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"Hey, guys!" you happily said walking into the gardens. 

"Auntie (y/n)!" young Flynn happily said running up to you and hugging your legs. 

"Hey, Squirt," you said rustling his hair with your free hand. "Happy birthday."

"(Y/n)!" Rapunzel happily said hugging you. 

The bundle in your arms squirmed a little. You rocked your little girl to calm her down. Rapunzel and Flynn lead you over to where everyone else was, and you sat down next to Arianna. 

"It's so good to see you, (y/n)," Arianna said with a bright smile. 

"You too, Arianna," you said. 

"So," Arianna said. "How is motherhood going for you?"

"Well, it's something," you said. "It is a bit tiring. Rosita certainly is clingy. She throws a fit whenever I leave her side."

"Surprised you've been able to do it alone," Eugene said. Cassandra punched him. 

"(Y/n), don't listen to-" Cassandra tried to say. 

"It's okay," you said. "Maybe it's for the best that her dad isn't here right now." You cleared your throat and wiped away a tear. "He made his choice and that's that."

"There's no point in pining over that jerk," Casandra said. 

"Cassandra," Rapunzel said. 

Rosita suddenly let out a cry. You tried to calm her down by rocking her. Her hair suddenly started to light up. Familiar black rocks started to sprout up. You quickly calmed Rosita down as Rapunzel went to command the rocks to go away again. 

You sighed as you looked at Rosita. Part of her dad would always be with her whether she wanted it or not. It was something that would forever haunt you. You still loved him so much, and you missed him every day. But you just didn't know if he loved you anymore. Not long after you gave birth to Rosita, he just disappeared. You still didn't know what happened to him. You weren't sure if he ran way or if he was kidnapped. You didn't know what was going on with him. 

You all just continued on with celebrating Rapunzel and Eugene's son's birthday as if nothing happened. Little dad any of you know that pair of eyes was watching you from the shadows. The entire afternoon they stayed glued on you and Rosita. 

After a while, it started to get late, and the royal family insisted that you stayed the night. Cassandra lead you to a guest room and was able to find Rapunzel's old crib for Rosita. You thanked her before she left the room. 

You sat down on your bed and looked out your window at the night sky. You rocked Rosita in your arms until she started to cry. "Alright," you said lowering the top of your dress and nursing Rosita. Once she was finished, she fell asleep almost instantly. You smiled and kissed her forehead before placing her down in the crib. 

You changed into a nightgown and blew out the candle. You laid down on your bed and looked out the window once more. You couldn't explain it, but something felt off to you. You felt worried that something bad was going to happen. You decided to just forget it and get some sleep. 

Later in the night, as you and Rosita slept, a cloaked figure appeared outside your window and quietly opened it. He softly landed on his feet on the floor and just stared at you for a moment before taking off his hood. 

Varian sighed as he walked over to your side. He moved your hair out of your face and gently touched your cheek with the back of his hand. He carefully placed a kiss on your forehead making sure not to wake you up. 

Varian suddenly heard some faint whines coming from the crib. He walked over and looked at the whimpering baby girl inside. He took a deep breath and picked her up. Rosita looked at Varian for a moment before smiling and reaching her hands towards his face. She remembered him. After the long time he had been gone, Rosita still remembered her dad. 

Varian sighed again as he held Rosita against his chest. She had fallen back asleep and was snuggled up against him. He looked over at you again. 

Varian picked up a baby sling and made sure it was secure around him before setting Rosita in it. He walked over to you and carefully pulled back the covers that were over you. He carefully picked you up to where your head was resting on his chest. You squirmed a little in your sleep, but Varian was able to make you calm again with a quick kiss in the forehead. 

Varian made his way out the window and out of the castle. He carried you and Rosita with him into the woods as he headed for his new home. He held both of you close the whole time. 

"Please, don't hate me for this, (y/n)," Varian said just above a whisper. "This is our child and our future." He remained silent for the rest of the trip to his home. 

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