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"Has she still not come down?" Rapunzel asked.

"No," Cassandra said shaking her head. "(Y/n) won't leave her room and prevents anyone from entering."

"All I've heard every time I went to check on her was crying," Eugene said. 

"Is she still upset about the incident?" Fredric asked already knowing the answer. 

"She has to be," Rapunzel said. "I've never seen her this upset before."

"What can we do?" Eugene asked. 

"I don't know," Rapunzel said. 

"This is starting to get rather serious," Arianna said. "Within the amount of time she's locked herself in her room, she hasn't had anything to eat or drink. She could end up starving herself."

"Well, can we do?" Cassandra said. "She has the key to that room, and she refuses to come out. Plus, she won't talk to any of us."

"I do know how to pick locks," Eugene said. 

"We shouldn't," Rapunzel said. "if she doesn't want anyone to come in, then we should respect her wishes."

"Yeah, if this only lasted for an couple days," Cassandra said. "Raps, she has locked herself in her room for three weeks. Drastic times call for drastic measures."

Rapunzel sighed. "Very well," she said. "We should all go see her."

They all slowly headed for your room. Once in front of the door, everyone froze. 

"Who's gonna knock?" Eugene asked. 

"I will," Rapunzel said outstretching her fist. She lightly knocked on the door.

"Go away!" you screamed at the top of your lungs making everyone jump. They could all hear you sobbing your eyes out."

"(Y/n), please," Rapunzel said. 

"I said 'go away'!" you screamed again. "I don't want to see any of you! It's all your fault!"

Rapunzel sighed. "Eugene," she said. "Pick the lock."

"Okay," he said taking out a pin and sticking it in the keyhole of your door. He got it open in a matter of seconds. Everyone walked in only to have to dodge a bunch of china plates that were thrown at them.

"Get out!" you yelled. Everyone looked at you with wide eyes. You looked terrible. Your clothes were all tattered and torn. Your hair was a rats nest. And your eyes were extremely red.

"Now, (Y/n)," Rapunzel calmly said as she started to approach you.

"Stay back!" you exclaimed throwing another plate. "Don't any of you come near me."

"We're just worried," Cassandra said. 

"I don't care!" you yelled. "It's all your fault! It's your fault he's gone!"

"You're not still on about that, are you?" Eugene said rolling his eyes a little. "You really need to learn to move on."

"Move on?" you said in an angry whisper as you glared at him. "MOVE ON?! You all expect me to move on like it didn't happen?! You knew that the cometeers were coming, and you did nothing. When they stormed the castle and the dungeon, your only interests were in protecting the princess. They kidnapped Varian, and didn't care!"

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Eugene said. 

"Not that bad?!" you exclaimed. "That society hates magic, especially dark. Varian possesses the power of the moondrop: one of the darkest bit of magic to ever exist! There's no telling what they'll do to him, or already doing to him. For all we know, he could be dead right now all because you didn't protect him!" You collapsed on your knees and sobbed some more.

Arianna slowly approached you and sat down. "We really are sorry," Arianna said wrapping her arms around you in a comforting way. You surprisingly didn't fight it. "We're doing everything we can to find that society and return what they stole, but we just can't stand to see you like this anymore. We all care about you."

"But he's gone," you said as you continued to cry.

"It's okay," Arianna softly said combing her fingers through your hair. "It'll be alright."

"Your highness!" a guard suddenly exclaimed appearing in front of your doorway. 

"Yes," Fredric said. 

"The troops have returned," the guard said. "Treasures have been recovered."

"Varian," you whispered under your breath. You quickly broke out of Arianna's arms, stood up, and rushed out of your room.

"(Y/n), wait," Rapunzel called after you. You didn't listen. You just kept on running and running downstairs until you saw the troops coming into the castle with many items. You rushed towards them and looked around Your eyes suddenly fell on a familiar face with blue eyes, freckles, and blue streak in his black hair. 

You put your hands over your mouth as a few tears escaped your eyes. "Varian!" you exclaimed running towards him.

"(Y/n)?" Varian said when he heard you.

You quickly made the two guards let go of him, and you wrapped your arms around him. You let more tears escape your eyes as you held him close and placed several kisses all over his face. "You're alive," you said.

Varian simply closed his eyes in content at the feeling if your affection. After going so long with having to endure torture, it felt so nice to feel your warmth again.

"Oh, you're all beaten up," you said looking over his various injuries. "Come on, you should sit down." You lead him over to a sofa and sat him down. You sat next to him, and he leaned against you. You wrapped your arms around him again and held you close.

"I missed you," Varian said. 

"I missed you, too," you said pecking his lips and holding him close again. You wouldn't leave Varian's side for the rest of the night. You were determined to never lose him again. Without him, your life was only filled with sadness.

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