Mirror Mirror

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Day 2: Magic

Ten years. Ten years you had been trapped in this mirror. You could always see people living their lives and experiencing things you no longer could. It was like you were in an empty void. There was nothing but the small light that came from the glass of the mirror. 

You longed to be able to escape from this horrid curse placed on you, but you knew that would. be impossible. You could only be freed by being of mortal and magic and of good and evil. The possibility of anyone existing like that, let alone helping you was basically nonexistent. 

You heard the door to the shop open. You knew that the horrid person who trapped you in the mirror had another customer. You weren't able to see them very well. All you could make out was long, golden hair and raven hair with a blue streak. 

You saw Mr. Gold walk up to the people, and you scowled. It was all because of that awful man. that you were trapped. You were a princess of a poor kingdom. Your parents become so desperate for themselves and their people that they went to the dark one for help. His price was simply precious knowledge. no one thought much of it. However, after the kingdom was supplied and the people were thriving once more. He came to claim his price. You had always been rather brilliant in ways people couldn't understand. That is why you were his price. Your parents at first refused to hand you over, and you fought as well. That's when he trapped you in the mirror to show the answer to any question he'd ever ask. 

After the evil queen unleashed her dark curse, you didn't lose any memory and ended up in this horrid pawn shop owned by the person you hated the most. This brought you to your current situation. 

You suddenly saw a boy approach you, while a young woman with long golden hair was talking to Mr. Gold. You stared at the boy as he looked at the objects in the shop with interest. His gaze then fell on the mirror you were in. He walked closer to you. You then saw he had the raven hair with a blue streak. For some reason, the boy fascinated you. You placed your hand on the glass from your side. The boy reached forward about to do the same from his side. 

"Varian," the woman suddenly said. The boy stopped and turned around. "Come on," she said. "I got the paintbrushes."

"Okay," Varian said following her. He looked over his shoulder at the mirror again for a moment before walking out of the shop. 

"I know what you're thinking, dearie," you heard Mr. Gold say. "You best put it out of your mind. Remember, you're an object, not a person. You can't be loved, and you can't be freed."

You growled, causing  a growling lion to appear on the mirror's glass surface. 

"Be angry all you want, dearie," Mr. Gold taunted. "It won't change anything." You angrily screamed and banged on the glass in front of you. 

The next day, you saw the sheriff, Emma Swan, come into the shop. You wondered why she would come here of all places, considering her past interactions with Mr. Gold.

"Sheriff Swan," Mr. Gold said walking out of the back office. "What can I do for you."

"A young boy has gone missing, and this is one of the last places people claimed to have seen him," Emma said. 

"I see many people, Miss Swan," Mr. Gold said. "You'd have to be more specific."

"His name is Varian," Emma said. "He's Rapunzel's adopted brother."

"Rapunzel's brother," Mr. Gold said in interest. "As a matter of fact, those two did stop by here yesterday. That boy took great interest in that mirror."

Emma turned and looked at you. "A mirror?" she said. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"This isn't an ordinary mirror," Mr. Gold said. "It can be referred to as cursed."

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