Lights (Christmas Special Pt. 4)

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"Varian, I don't know about this," you nervously said. 

"Don't worry," Varian said. "I've already tested these out. They should be perfectly safe."

"Are you sure we can't just use candles?" you asked. 

"You feel more safe using sticks of wax lit by flame more than my creation?" Varian said putting a hand to his heart. "I'm offended."

"Varian," you said slightly rolling your eyes. "Past experiences have shown that your experiments and inventions can be rather unpredictable."

"Relax," Varian said. "I have everything under control." He reached over and pulled a lever. The small tree in your room was lit up with beautiful lights. 

"Wow," you said with starry eyes.

"See?" Varian said. "What'd I tell you?"

"Well-" Before you could continue, the tiny bulbs started popping open, and the small tree caught fire!"

"Oh gosh!" you exclaimed running g towards the bathroom to grab a bucket of water. Varian stayed behind and tried to stomp out the fire. 

"I've got water!" you exclaimed running back into the room. Before Varian could step out of the way, you swung the bucket, releasing a spray of water onto the blazing tree and...Varian. 

Varian spit out a bit of water. "Nice aim," he said moving his soaked bangs away from his eyes.

"Sorry," you said with a small laugh. "But maybe for now we can stick to candles?"

"F-f-fine," Varian said staring to shake. 

You chuckled slightly as you walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. His face became as red as a tomato, and he instantly stopped shaking. 

"Better?" you asked. 

"Don't know," Varian said. "Maybe you'll have to try again."

You smirked before you planted kisses all over his face. 

Varian x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя