Don't Leave

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You stood there silently as Varian angrily paced back and forth. You wished you could speak to him and try to get him to come to his senses. No matter how much you wished it, though, you couldn't talk. You were mute and, you'd always be mute. 

You looked up at Quirin encased in the amber and over to Varian's busted drill. The flower hadn't worked as Varian hoped. 

"WHY ARE YOU STARING?!" Varian angrily yelled at you. You flinched at his harsh tone. 

"Well," he said walking up to you. "Are you going to answer me?" You stayed silent. "Say something! Stay anything!" You shook your head looking at Varian with wide eyes. 

"Tell me why it didn't work!" He laced his fingers in his hair and pulled. "Why didn't it work?! Why does nothing I do work?! Why do I always fail?!"

You took notice of some tears that started to leak out of his eyes. You reached out your hand and placed it on Varian's shoulder. He wiped around with an angry expression on his face and tears still in his eyes. He grabbed onto your wrist.

"Don't touch me!" he yelled as he pulled your wrist down and slammed you against the floor. 

You put your hand to your chin as you weakly tried to lift yourself up. You pulled your hand back to see blood. You looked up at Varian with fearful eyes. He was looking down at you breathing deeply and still looking angry. His eyes suddenly went wide, and he put both of his hands to his mouth.

"(Y/n)," Varian said slowly reaching out to you. You backed up with a few tears falling down your face. "(Y/n), I-I-I'm sorry." You backed up against a wall. "Please, I didn't want to hurt you." You covered your face with your arms as Varian reached out again. "(Y/n), please." He got on his knees, so he was at level with you. You moved your arms away from your face to look at Varian. He had more tears streaming down in his eyes, and he was shaking a little. 

You put your arms down completely and straightened your back a little. You looked into his eyes for a moment. You could sense there was real remorse. You slowly opened your arms. Varian quickly gripped onto you as more tears streamed down his face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he said over and over as he continued to hold onto you. 

You held him close and rubbed circles on his back as he continued to sob on your shoulder. "Please," you heard Varian say. "Don't leave. Please, don't leave me." You nuzzled your head against Varian's and squeezed him tight.

You looked up at Quirin once more. Part of you didn't want to do any of this. Part of you wanted to leave,  but you couldn't. Quirin had made you promise to be there for Varian no matter what. Now that Quirin was gone, Varian had nobody. You knew this would be the worst time to leave him. You'd have to stick by his side no matter what. Even if he didn't win. Even if the both of you would have to rot away. You'd have to be there for him. You promised.

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