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You were embarrassed to admit it, but all your life, you've had a hard time catching on to things. You couldn't really help it. Sometimes you were just a little slow.

Varian had been crushing on you like forever, but somehow, you never noticed. Seriously, it was obvious to everybody except you.

Varian was constantly trying to drop you hints by giving you some compliments or using pick-up lines. You just never caught on and just took everything he said literally.

One time he complemented your make up, saying it made you look a s lovely as a rose. You responded by saying that that was good, and that it meant your experiment of using rose petals for rouge was a success.

This had all been going on for so long that everybody was actually starting to get annoyed. They all actually started to get involved just to finally be satisfied.

One time, Rapunzel said that Varian told her that he thought you looked cute. You responded by saying that it was probably your use of buttons, and you were satisfied that your "cute as a button" theme actually worked.

Once, Eugene tried to make you jealous by saying Varian got a girlfriend. You responded by saying that that was good news for him and asked what the girl's name was. Eugene just moped and left you confused.

Cassandra tried to make you jealous as well by pretending that Varian sent her a bouquet of roses. You merely said that Cassandra was a lucky girl and that you had no idea he liked Cassandra like that.

Everyone was so frustrated. They all actually started to act slightly angry around you, and you couldn't understand why.

One day you visited Varian, and he acted a similar way.

"Are you okay?" you asked.

"Yep," Varian said flatly. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Really?" You said. "'Cause you look kind of mad."

"I'm not mad," Varian said.

"Well something must be wrong with you," you said. "I haven't seen you like this before."

"Why?" Varian asked laying his head on a table.

"Why?" you repeated confused.

"Why can't you tell?" Varian asked turning to look at you. "Why can't you tell how I feel?"

"What are you talking about?" you asked.

"Why can't you tell how much I love you?!" Varian exclaimed shaking your shoulders.

Your cheeks lit up. Varian's did too. He let go of your shoulders and backed up. "Varian," you said. "I'm sorry. I had no idea. I thought you only viewed me as a friend."

"No," Varian said getting on his knees in front of you and wrapping his arms around your waist. "I see you as so ,inch more than that. I love you. I love you more than alchemy itself. I can't imagine a life without you, and I want to be by your side until the end of time."

You were silent for a moment before giggling. "If you wanted me to be your girlfriend, you could have just asked." You kneeled down, so your face was at level with his. You cupped his cheeks and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised for a moment before giving in. At long last, you were no longer clueless. 

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now