No Touching

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You and Varian had been together for about two weeks. Within that amount of time, you took notice that Varian was extremely clingy. If either of you were cold, he'd grab onto you. If either of you were scared, he'd grab onto you. If he was jealous, he'd grab onto you.

You didn't really mind. You always knew that Varian was a hugger and cuddler. The only thing that bothered you was just how often he did it. 

You could still remember one time when you to traveled out of Old Corona for a day. When you came back, Varian wouldn't let go of you for hours. 

You started to worry that if you didn't confront it, his clingy nature could turn into a big problem. You sighed and headed for Varian's home. 

You walked up the steps and knocked on the front door. The door barley opened before a familiar form engulfed you in a hug.

"(Y/n)!" Varian happily exclaimed. "I didn't expect to see you today."

"Yeah," you said breaking away from his grip. "I have something important to talk to you about."

"Okay," Varian said. "What is it?"You looked at his innocent puppy eyes as he asked the question. He was not making this easy for you.

"I think," you said. "That you...might have...a bit of a...problem."

"Problem?" Varian asked. "What problem?" 

"Well," you said. "You seem to be getting more...clingy."

"What?" Varian said. "No, I'm not."

"Varian, you've never gone a single day without having some sort of physical contact from me," you said. "Now, look, it's not that I don't like physical contact or that I don't like you. I just think that we don't confront this, this could end up being a bigger problem later on."

"Okay," Varian said. "What do I have to do?"

"I want you to go one day without touching me in any way," you said.

"What?" Varian said shocked.

"I know it might sound hard for you," you said. "But if you can do it, you will receive a reward. If you don't, you'll have a special privilege taken away."

"What do you mean?" Varian asked.

"If you can go a day without having physical contact with me," you said. "I'll cuddle with you every night for a week."

"Really?" Varian said.

"But," you interrupted. "If you can't go a day without physical contact with me, there will be no hugs for a week."

"You wouldn't," Varian said. 

"I would," you replied. "Deal?" You held out your hand. 

"Deal," Varian said reaching for your hand. "Wait! Does this count?"

"I'll let a handshake slide," you said. Varian sighed in relief and shook your hand. 

"Now," you said. "I have to go to Corona today to do errands for my parents, but they won't let me go alone. I need you to come with me."

"Me?" Varian asked sounding nervous.

"Yes," you said. "Besides, I can't see if you can go without physical contact if your not even near me for the whole day."

"Right," Varian said in defeat.

"Well," you said looking towards the sun. "If we want to get to Corona and back before late, we better get going."

"Okay," Varian said following behind you as you two walked into the woods. 

It was somewhat of an awkward walk to Corona. Neither you nor Varian spoke the whole way there. You even noticed that his arms looked like they were slightly shaking. 

You two suddenly heard a strange noise. Varian jumped and was about to grab you when he pulled his arms back and forced them down at his sides. 

"Oh, it's just a rabbit," you laughed when you saw the small animal come out of the bush.

You laughed a little more to yourself, then you two continued on.

After a while, you arrived in Corona. The entire time there was torture for Varian. At one point he was feeling cold and noticed that you were slightly shivering. He was about to wrap his arms around you for warmth when he stoped himself and forced his arms down again. Later on, a random boy started to flirt with you. You kept politely telling him that you were already with someone, but he wouldn't listen. Varian was so steamed the entire time. He so desperately wanted to wrap his arms around you and show that guy that you were his. He resisted, however, and let you deal with it on your own.

Finally, after what felt like forever, you and Varian headed back for Old Corona. "You okay?" you asked Varian as he walked next to you.

"Yep," he said. "I'm fine. I'm fine." You noticed his arms were shaking again and a tiny bit of sweat had formed on his forehead. He, in a way, looked exhausted. 

Once you made it back to Old Corona, you saw the sun set. "Congratulations," you said to Varian. "You made it one day with no physical contact."

"Hazzah!" Varian happily engulfing you in a hug. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You were definitely going to have to get used to this. You owed Varian a week's worth of cuddles, after all.

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