Old Friends

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You walked downstairs as you heard your mother talking to someone. "Don't you worry, Quirin," your mother said. "He'll be just fine here until you get back."

"Thank-you," Quirin said before leaving.

"Mom?" you said walking up behind her. 

"Oh!" your mother said turning around surprised to see her five-year-old behind her. "(Y/n), you scared me."

"Who was that?" you asked.

"That was Quirin, dear," your mother said. "His son, Varian, is going to be staying with us for the weekend."

It was only then that you noticed a boy your age was hiding behind your mother's legs. He looked a little nervous.

"Hi," you said with a small wave. Varian didn't respond.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" your mother asked Varian. He shook his head. "You're not afraid, are you?" He shook his head more violently. "Then go ahead." Your mother stepped aside and pushed him towards you.

Varian was quiet for a moment longer before finally saying, "Hello."

"New friend!" you happily exclaimed engulfing him in a hug.

Your mother slightly chuckled at the sight. "You two are going to get along just fine."


2 Years Later


You and Varian held onto each other as you shook in fright. "When did you say your mom would be back?" Varian asked. 

"An hour," you said. "What about your dad?"

"Two hours," Varian said.

"Ah, it's coming towards us!" you exclaimed trying to move away. You and Varian quickly made it to the other side of the room. "What do we do?"

"I don't know," Varian said. "My dad's always been the one to take care of these things."

You nervously looked at the spider that continued to crawl around the room. You hated spiders so much. You were just terrified.

Varian slowly took off one of his boots. "I'm going," he said. You watched him with worried eyes as he approached the arachnid. In one quick motion, Varian slammed the boot down.

"Did you get it?" you asked.

"Yep," Varian said. "As good as gone."

"My hero!" you happily said wrapping your arms around him from behind. 


3 Years Later


You coughed a little as you waved away the unusual smoke. "Varian," you said. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," he said coughing and lifting up his goggles. "That didn't work out like I hoped it would."

"Really?" you said laughing a little. "I didn't notice."

"Haha," Varian said rolling his eyes a little. "Just you wait and see. I'll get this right."

"Don't you think you should take a break?" you asked. "You've been working on this for quite a while."

"No time for breaks," he said. "I've got to get this right."

"Okay," you said shrugging your shoulders and heading for the door. "I was going to enjoy some ham sandwiches outside and hoped you would join me, but oh well."

Varian froze for a moment as you walked out of his lab. You stood just outside of the door for a moment as you counted down from three to one. Varian suddenly came bursting out of the door.

"You know, I could actually use a break," Varian said.

You smiled and shook your head. Typical Varian. He always loved his ham sandwiches.


4 Years Later


"What do you mean your mother is sending you away?!" Varian exclaimed. 

"Varian," you calmly said. "It's not like I want to go. My mother just thinks it would be best for a girl my age to attend finishing school. You know, learn to be proper and all that."

"Why do you need to learn to be proper?" Varian said. "You perfectly proper enough to me."

"Varian, I don't have a say in this," you said. "I'm going whether I like it or not."

"When will you be back?" Varian asked.

"I don't know," you said with a sigh. "But I promise it won't be forever. You are my best friend, after all." You gave Varian a hug.

"Yeah," Varian softly said wrapping his arms around you. "Friend."

"(Y/n), come along now," your mother called.

"I have to go," you said breaking out of Varian's grip.

"Wait," Varian said grabbing your wrist. "There's one more thing I have to do before you leave."

"What?" you asked.

Varian took a deep breath and quickly leaned forward. You felt his lips hit yours. You were in shock for a moment before slowly melting into the wondrous feeling.

"V-Varian," you said with red cheeks once the two of you pulled apart. "I...I...I'm sorry. I have to go now." You climbed into the coach, and it started on its way. You looked at varian as he got smaller and smaller in the distance. He admitted how he really felt about you, but it was too late. The moment he confessed, you had to leave his side for who knows how long.

You sighed and sat facing the front of coach once you could no longer see him. You were going to miss him while you were away. Your dear old friend.

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