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You were soundly asleep until you felt something pulling you. You felt your wrists and ankles ache. You cracked one eye open to see you were being dragged by chains attached to your wrists and ankle. You suddenly realized that the day had come. 

"Move you trash!" a man yelled as he cracked a whip. You looked around and saw all the girls being dragged away as well. This was the date you all had been dreading. You all were the daughters of prostitutes and slaves. Today was the day you all were being taken to your new owners after they paid for you. 

You were scared and had to hold back tears as you were roughly thrown into a cart and the door shut behind you. You were still tied up and gagged, and you barely had on that much clothing. A few tears escaped your eyes as you heard horses neigh and felt the cart start to move. 

After a while, you felt the cart come to a stop, and saw the door open. A burly man took hold of you and carried you into what you thought looked like a castle. The horrible man that had been holding you and all the other girls captive for so long walked in front of you. A pair of giant doors opened to what looked like a throne room. 

"Your majesty," your master said with a bow. You saw a majestic-looking lady with black hair and wearing a red dress was sitting on a throne. Next to her stood a young boy about your age that stood straight. "I have brought forth the finest of my girls," your master said gesturing to you. "I should hope that she meets the standards for a prince."

You looked at the boy. He looked nervous and uncomfortable. The woman next to him sent an evil smirk your way. "Happy Birthday, son," she said. 

"Yes," the boy said straightening up even more. "Th-th-thank-you, Mother."

"You all may leave my presence now," the woman said. "Son, take your present away, will you?"

"Yes, Mother," he said walking towards you and leading you out of the room. He was silent as he lead you through a series of hallways. He suddenly came to a stop and opened a door to a room. He sat you down on what you could guess was a bed. 

The boy lit a candle, and you were able to see more clearly. You froze when you saw what was in the boy's hand: a knife! You squirmed in fear as he approached you. You closed your eyes, waiting to feel pain. You didn't feel anything. You opened your eyes to see that he was cutting the ropes that bound you. Once he was finished with that, he removed your gag.

"Are you okay?" he asked. You just stared at him feeling confused an scared. "It's alright. I won't hurt you. I promise." You still stared at him, feeling confused. "My name's Varian. What's your's?"

"(Y/n)," you weakly said. 

"Well, (y/n)," he said. "I'm so sorry about all of this. My mother surprised me with this. I have no intention of harassing or hurting you in any way."

You relaxed a little, feeling like he was telling you the truth. "I understand you're scared," he said. "But I wish to be your friend. Would you like that?"

You thought for a moment before you slightly nodded and smiled. "Great," he said. He opened his arms. You quickly grabbed onto him and melted into the wondrous feeling of him holding you. You felt more safe and secure than you ever had before in your entire life. Something about Varian felt so nice to you. You didn't want to be separated from him. 

Varian shared his bed with you that night. He could tell that you had been through a lot in your life. He could also tell that you felt batter with him. The whole night he just held you close and let you know you were safe. 

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