Daylight (Blood-Red Pt. 2)

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You groaned slightly as you opened your eyes. Something felt off to you, but you weren't sure what. You heard a chuckle and looked up. It was only then that y noticed the arms around you. 

"Welcome home, milady," Varian said with a smirk.

Without thinking, you squirmed out if his grasp and tried to get away. The moment your feet touched the floor, you felt dizzy and like you couldn't move.

"Ah, ah, ah," Varian said in a somewhat taunting manner wrapping his arms around your torso and holding you against his chest. "You shouldn't be so active so shortly after your transformation. It can cause lightheadedness."

"What's going on?" you asked with a mix of fear and confusion. 

"To put it bluntly," Varian said resting his head on your shoulder and whispering in your ear. "You're mine now."

"What?" you said breaking away from him, trying to keep your footing. "I am no object to be owned."

"Oh, see, you don't understand," Varian said walking towards you. He brushed his fingers over the bite on your neck. "I've claimed you. Therefore," He held your veil between his fingers and rubbed the fabric. "You're mine."

"No," you said backing up. 

"It's not like you have a choice at this point," Varian said. You had your back against the wall, trapped by Varian's arms. "Besides, why would you resist? We always said we'd marry some day."

"That was a joke I shared with the real Varian," you said. "Not a blood-thirsty creature of the night."

"Watch your words," Varian said waving a finger. "You are a 'blood-thirsty creature of the night' now as well."

You didn't want to believe his words. You wanted to be able to say it was all lies, but you had seen how your skin had become paler. You could feel the sharper teeth in your mouth. Even your vision seemed slightly altered. 

"No," you said gripping your head and turning away from him.

"Oh, (y/n)," Varian said wrapping his arms around you. "Think about it. It would be just you and me against the world, like we should be."

"What are you-" you tried to ask as you turned to face him. 

Varian kept one arm wrapped around you while he used the other to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face. "They hurt you too."

"What?" you said confused.

"Didn't they take me away from you?" Varian asked.

"Yes," you said.

"Wasn't I you're only true friend?" Varian asked. "The only person you claimed understood you?"

"Yes," you said. "But they helped me. They gave me a place to stay when I had nowhere to go."

"Yes. At the castle," Varian said. "Were they really thinking if you, or were they just trying to keep you in a place where they could watch your every move?"

"Rapunzel-" you started to say.

"Can easily go against you," Varian said finishing the sentence you started. He started to stroke his fingers through your hair. You felt yourself relax and lean against him. "Rapunzel broke her promise to me. Why would you think she wouldn't do it to you?"

"She lied to me?" you said in quiet shock.

"Don't take it too personally," Varian said as he continued to stroke your hair and hold you close. "She lies to everyone nowadays. It's her way of avoiding true responsibility. However," Varian placed a finger under your chin and made you look at him. "You know how much you mean to me, how much I mean to you. Why throw away a chance at having that back. No one could hold either of us down. The royals have no power over us."

You thought for a moment before a smirk appeared on your face. "You know," you said slightly pushing his bangs out of his eyes. "I always found your bad side rather attractive."

Varian chuckled before dipping you down. "I'm all yours milady," he said. You chuckled yourself before pecking his lips. 

"The sun will be rising soon," Varian said. "We'd best head to our chambers."

"Lead the way," you said slightly loosening your dress. Varian picked you up bridal style and headed for bed.

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