Got You (Our Pt. 2)

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Varian couldn't look away from your face as you laid in bed with him. You still hadn't woken up, and Rosita was asleep in her crib just a few feet away. 

Varian felt a couple tears of joy slip out of his eyes as he held you close. He knew he had a lot to explain once you woke up, but he still couldn't help but feel so happy to see you again. 

There wasn't a minute that went by when he left that he didn't miss you or Rosita. He would give anything during that time just to hold you in his arms once more. 

You suddenly started to wake up. You snuggled into Varian without thinking because he just felt so warm. You opened your eyes and felt confused at the new presence. 

"(Y/n)," Varian happily said. "You're awake."

"Huh, what?" you said feeling confused. "Varian!" you suddenly screamed and fell off of the bed. 

"(Y/n), are you okay?"  Varian asked in great concern.

"Varian," you said getting up to your feet in alarm. "Where am I? Where is Rosita? What did you do?"

"Please, calm down," Varian said slowly trying to approach you. 

"No!" you yelled. "You can't just show up and expect everything to be okay! You abandoned me! You abandoned Rosita!" You noticed Rosita had woken up and was crying from your yelling. You quickly ran over to her and picked her up in your arms. 

"(Y/n), please," Varian said. 

"Stay away," you said stepping back as he stepped forward. "You have no right to me or her."

"Please, just let me explain," Varian said. 

"Explain?" you said. "Nothing can excuse you from leaving us, and making me raise a child on my own."

"I know," Varian said. "But you have to believe me. I was trying to protect you."

"From what?!" you exclaimed. 

"My past," Varian said. You paused and stared at him, letting him continue. "From the moment Rosita was born, I was scared. Scared for her. Scared for you. I couldn't bear any of my old allies hurting you."

"Then why'd you leave?" you asked. "You could have stayed and protected us."

"We were threatened," Varian said. "Lady Caine figured out where I was and about the two of you. They told me they'd leave the both of you alone if I cooperated with them."

He walked towards you and put a hand on your cheek, wiping away your tears with his thumb. "Nothing hurt me more than when I left you that night," Varian said. "Every day, I tried to come up with some way to get back to you without putting you in danger. It wasn't until recently I was. able to escape from them and find a new home for us."

You held Rosita close and looked up at Varian. You leaned against him as he wrapped his arms around you and Rosita. "I don't want to hurt either of you," Varian said. "All want is my family back."

You let a few tears escape your eyes as you leaned against Varian's shoulder. "I wanted to forget you," you admitted. "I wanted to move on and be strong for Rosita, but I couldn't. No matter how much I denied it, I missed you more than anything and wanted nothing more than to have you back."

"Now we can have that," Varian said with a soft smile as he kissed your forehead. 

You felt a few more joyful tears escape your eyes. You saw Rosita had fallen back asleep, so you placed her in her crib. You turned back to Varian and embraced him. You both leaned in and kissed. 

Varian lead you back to the bed, and you laid down. You pulled the blankets over yourselves as you sank into the warm covers. For the first time in so long, you fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles on your faces. 

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