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You were walking in the market with your best friend and chatting like you usually did. You were laughing slightly from a joke (f/n) said when you suddenly paused.

"(Y/n)," (f/n) said waving a hand in front of your face. "You okay?"

"What?" you said snapping out of it. "What were you saying?"

"What were you looking at?" your friend asked turning around. A smirk came across your friend's face upon seeing the prince and princess. "Oh, I see what's going on."

"What?" you said looking away and rubbing the back of your neck.

"You've got your eyes on the prince," your friend teased.

"No," you said. "No, don't be ridiculous."

"Come on," your friend said. "You've been making goo-goo eyes every time you've ever seen him. Just go ahead and talk to him already."

"No," you said. "I can't just walk up to royalty and make small talk."

"Yeah," your friend said. "With most royals. You know Princess Rapunzel and Prince Varian are always hanging with the common folk."

"I'm going to do it," you said crossing your arms.

"Fine," your friend said. "If you won't go to him, I'll bring him to you."

"Wait, no!" you said as your friend turned and walked towards the royal siblings. You froze as you saw them look your way as your firm talked to them. What was your friend saying? Was your friend embarrassing you before you even talked to them? Your thoughts were cut short as you saw the three of them walk towards you.

"Hi," Rapunzel happily said engulfing you in a hug. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Um, you too, Princess," you said with the little breath you had.

"Oh," she said placing you down. "Just Rapunzel."

"And Varian," he said outstretching his hand. You stared at it for a moment before grabbing it and shaking his hand.

"Um, I'm (y/n)," you said nervously playing with your hair.

The rest of the talk wasn't too bad. You still, got flustered whenever Varian spoke to you, but you pushed through it. After a while, you left the market and headed home.

The next morning, you woke up to see a bird was sitting on your window sill and chirping. You were surprised by its unique appearance. It was covered in black feathers except for one blue feather on its head. It made you think of...

"No," you said shooing the bird away and closing the window. "Nope, nope, nope," you kept saying to yourself as you got ready for the day.

Varian groaned slightly as he woke up and stretched. He looked out his window at the morning sky. It was partially cloudy, which was perfect for looking for images in them.

Rudiger stretched and jumped from his small cushioned bed and ran over to Varian. "Morning, bud," Varian said rubbing Rudiger's head.

Varian looked back up at the sky, specifically the clouds. He froze for a moment when one in particular caught his eye. He saw a heart-shaped cloud, and the pointed end of it seemed to post down to market where he met you the other day.

Varian cleared his throat and looked away as he felt his cheeks warm up. "Well," he said. "Better get ready for the day."

You sighed as you put on your cloak and picked up your basket. You couldn't stop thinking about that strange bird that was on your window sill that morning. You did your best to put it out of mind as you went out to pick flowers for the table.

You walked into the fields filled with flowers. A few lovely light blue ones caught your eye. Upon closer inspection. You could tell they were ipomoea albas, though most people called them moonflowers. Moonflower. Moon. Moondrop. The prince had...

"No," you said stopping your thoughts. "You have stop thinking about him very few seconds." You decided to ignore the moonflowers and got lilies instead.

Varian was sitting in the library looking over some of his alchemy books.

"Varian," Rapunzel happily said skipping into the room. "I just got a new dress. Why do you think?"

Varian looked at his sister. She was wearing a simple (f/c) dress that stopped at her ankles. He actually thought it looked similar to the dress you were wearing the other...

"No," Varian said making his thoughts stop.

"No?" Rapunzel said confused.

"No..." Varian said trying to think of what to say. "Way that dress is real. It's too perfect for you."

"Aww," Rapunzel said hugging Varian. "Thanks little V."

Varian kept a fake smile on until Rapunzel walked out the room. He groaned and placed his face in his hands once she was gone. "You have to stop thinking about her."

You were at home sitting in your room when something hit you. You gasped and looked around the room. You couldn't find it. You couldn't find it anywhere. The necklace you wore every day. It was a precious family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. You must have left it at the market.

You wasted no time and dashed out of your home and back to the market. You were caught off-guard when you saw geese flying overhead in a "v" formation. V. Vari...

"No," you said continuing towards the market.

"Rudiger," Varian said walking into his room. "Did you take it?" Rudiger looked at him with a confused expression.

"Come on," Varian said. "You know what I'm talking about." Rudiger still looked confused. "The locket." Still no idea. "The one that has the pictures of my birth parents." Rudiger still looked clueless.

"Oh, great," Varian said slapping his head. "I must have dropped it at the market. He wasted no time in getting out of the castle.

On his way to the market, Varian passed by many performers. The strange thing was, though, they all were performing love songs. Varian's cheeks got warmer after each tune he heard. "No," he said shaking his head.

You and Varian both arrived in the market and dashed to where you were sure your valuables were. You both were in such a panic that you didn't notice each other. You ran into each other and fell to the ground. You both hot up surprised to see the other.

You picked up a locket on the ground, and Varian picked up a necklace. You both recognized the items fast.

"I think this is yours," you both said at the same time. You both blushed and chuckled slightly as you gave each other the items.

"It's funny seeing you again," Varian said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah," you said blushing more. "You too."

"Hey, uh," Varian said. "I was wondering if you...that is if you aren't busy or anything...would you like to...go to Monty's for a treat?"

You blushed more. "Uh, yeah," you said. "Yeah, I think I could do that."

Varian smiled slightly and took your hand. You both didn't know it, but that day wouldn't be last you two would hang out. Those days would turn to weeks. Those weeks would turn to months. Those months would turn to years. Those years would turn to until death would do you part.

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