I Know

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You were happily skipping along the roads of Old Corona when you saw Varian just outside of his home.

"Varian!" you happily exclaimed and embraced him in a hug.

"Hey, (y/n)," Varian said a little breathless from your tight grip. "You seem to be in a good mood today."

"Oh, you have no idea!" you happily squealed jumping up and down. "Brian asked me out!"

"What?" Varian asked.

"I know!" you said. "Isn't it great?! The guy I've been crushing for like the last year asked me out!"

"Uh, that's great," Varian said with no enthusiasm.

"Oh my gosh!" you exclaimed. "I only have a little over an hour! I've got to find out what to wear!"

"But--" Varian tried to say.

You took hold of his hand and started to drag him in the direction of your home. "I'm gonna need your opinion."


"Are you sure about this?" Varian asked through the door as he sat on your bed.

"Ugh, you're right," you said. "Yellow is too much."

"No," Varian said. "I mean going out with Brian."

"Why wouldn't I?" you asked as you tried another dress on. "I've been waiting for a chance like this for over a year."

"Yeah, I know," Varian said rubbing his neck. "It's just that this seems like a big step. It might be a little overwhelming."

"Varian, you worry too much," you said brushing through your hair.

"No, I worry just the right amount," Varian said. "You can never worry too much."

"Relax," you said opening the door. "So, what do you think?"

Varian looked you up and down. You wore a blue dress that stopped at your knees and had blue flats to match. Your hair was pulled back with a bit of a bun and a few curls resting on your shoulders.

"You look..." Varian paused. "Amazing."

"Thanks, Varian," you said cheerfully.

Suddenly, both of you heard knocking on the front door. You gasped. "That must be Brian!" You zoomed downstairs, and Varian slowly followed behind you.

You opened the front door to reveal a boy slightly older than you. He had dark brown locks of hair neatly combed back and wore a fancy suit. He had a red rose in his hand, which he handed to you.

"Hello, (y/n)," he said with a charming smirk. "You look ravishing."

You blushed and giggled as you took the rose. "Brian," you said smelling the rose. "You're such a charmer."

"Shall we then?" Brian asked offering his arm. You simply smiled and linked arms with him as you both walked out the door.

"Bye, Varian!" you said with a cheerful wave over her shoulder.

"See you later," Varian quietly said with  a small wave of his own.


Quirin looked up from his food and at Varian. Varian had been awfully quiet this afternoon. He never heard any sounds coming from Varian's lab. Even now at dinner he didn't talk. He just sat there leaning his head on his hand and poking at his food with his fork.

Quirin thought for a moment, trying to find a way to break the awkward silence.

"So," Quirin started. Varian didn't react. "Any new experiment or discoveries today?"

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