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Modern AU

You walked through the place with the officers and stayed close to your sister, Cassandra. A mad woman had been caught by them. She had been keeping several boys locked up and doing inappropriate and unspeakable things to them.

You watched as the officers released more boys. They all looked so withered and hurt. You couldn't imagine what it must have been like for them in this place.

"I think that's the last of them," Stan said.

"Wait," you said noticing a disturbed rug. You lifted it up to see a trap door. "Someone could be down here."

"That door's too small for us to fit through," Cassandra said.

"I can fit," you said opening the door and getting ready to climb down the ladder underneath.

"Wait," Cassandra said grabbing your wrist. "It could be dangerous."

"Someone could be down there," you said. "Someone has to help."

You pulled your wrist out of Cassandra's grasp and climbed down. The further down you got, the place became darker. You started to smell something strange. You finally reached the floor and looked around. This place looked horrible. It was by far way worse than any of the rooms the officers got the boys out of.

You looked around. "Hello?" you said turning on your flashlight. "Is anyone down here?" You shined your light around until you could faintly see a body. You slowly approached him, so you wouldn't scare him.

As you got closer you could make out his appearance more. He had marks all over his skin and barely had on any clothing. He was gagged and tied up by his ankles and wrists. He had messy black hair with a blue streak that had grown long after going so long without being cared for. He was so pale, and his face was flushed.

You assumed he was asleep on account of his eyes being closed. "Hello?" you softly said. He slowly opened his eyes and immediately shook in fright upon seeing you. "It's okay," you said putting your hands up. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to help you get out of here." The boy seemed to stop shaking but still, looked at you with uncertainty. "I'm going to untie you now, okay?" The boy just nodded and stayed still as you undid the ropes and removes his gag. "That feel better?" He nodded. "Can you stand up?" The boy looked unsure. He tried to move his limbs but collapsed.

"Okay," you said gently taking his hands. "I'm going to help you up, okay?" He silently nodded. You slowly pulled him up off of the ground and helped him balance. "You okay?" He nodded. "Okay. See that ladder over there?" He nodded. "I'm going to help you walk over there, okay?" He nodded. You slowly took a step forward and kept your arms around him to keep him balanced.

Once you reached the ladder, you could hear Cassandra calling your name. The boy shook and clung to you. "No, no, no," you said. "It's okay. They won't hurt you. They're here to help." You called up to Cassandra.

"Did you find anything?" Cassandra called down.

"There's a boy down here, but he can't climb this ladder," you said. "You think you could pull us up with some rope or something?"

"Sure thing," Cassandra said. She grabbed some rope and threw it down. You tightly tied it around your waist and held the boy close.

"I need you to hold on as tight as you can," you said to the boy. He nodded and clung to you tighter. Cassandra, Pete, and Stan pulled the two of you up.

Once you reached the top, Pete and Stan tried to take the boy where the others were, but he wouldn't go with them.

"Maybe I should stay with him," you said. "He seems really shaken, more than the others." Cassandra, Pete, and Stan nodded and you all headed out of the building.

The boy shivered at the cold night air. You quickly grabbed a safety blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders. "It's okay," you said holding him close and rubbing circles on his back. "It's going to be okay. You're safe now."

The boy was quiet the whole trip back to the station. He fell asleep on the way, and you held him close to keep him comforted.

Once you arrived at the station, the boy was separated from you for questioning. You sat outside watching him through the one-sided mirror. He didn't say anything. He just kept his head down.

"Well?" your dad asked when the man questioning Varian came out.

"The boy won't talk," he said. "I just don't think he's ready to talk about what happened. I mean, he arguably had it worse than the other boys you recovered. I'm not even sure if he has any family like the others."

"Maybe (y/n) could talk to him," Cassandra said. "He seems to trust her."

"Me?" you said.

"He wanted to stay with you when we tried to take him," Cassandra said.

"Okay," you said getting up. "I guess I could try."

You took a deep breath and walked into the room the boy was in. "Hi," you said. "Remember me?" A small smile appeared on the boy's face, and he nodded.

"That's good," you said walking up next to him. "Now, I really want to help you. I want see if we can find your family, possibly get your life back on track. But I can't help you unless you talk to me." The boy just stared at you blankly and still didn't speak. "Can you please tell me your name?" He still didn't speak.

You sighed. "Okay," you said. "I'm probably pushing you too much. I'll leave you alone."

"Varian," you suddenly heard him weakly say.

"What?" you said turning around and looking at him.

"My name is Varian," he weakly said.

You smiled. "Well, Varian, I'm (y/n), and I promise I'll do whatever I can to help you." Varian smiled at you as you walked out of the room.

"Well?" your dad asked.

"He says his name is Varian," you said. "That's all I got."

"That's a good start," your dad said writing something down.

You watched Varian the rest of the evening as more men questioned him and tried to get him to eat. It was getting late and you'd have to go home soon.

"You're not going to make him sleep here, are you, Dad?" you asked.

"I don't want to," your dad said. "But I don't know where to send him. Nobody has come to claim him like the other boys."

"Could he come home with us?" you asked.

"(Y/n)?" Cassandra said confused.

"Well you said he trusts me," you said. "I think he'd most comfortable if he was with me."

"Very well," your dad said. "He can come home with us."

You walked into the room and told Varian the news. He seemed rather happy to hear it. You lead him out to the car and sat with him in the back. He fell asleep on you again, and you stroked his hair as you watched his sleeping form.

Once you arrived home, Varian wouldn't leave your side. You kept him close the whole night and never let go. You and him shared a bed that night and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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