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"And a one...and a two..." you said as you went through the steps you had to learn. You tripped and fell with a groan.

"Well," Varian said awkwardly from the couch."That wasn't as bad as the last fifteen times you tried it."

"This is hopeless," you said plopping down on the couch next to Varian. "There's no way I can perfect this dance on time. I'm going to completely mess up and embarrass myself in front of the entire court."

"Oh, come on," Varian said placing a hand on your shoulder. "Who would ever laugh at you?"

"Don't do that," you said taking his hand off of your shoulder.

"What?" Varian asked.

"Don't go into your whole who-could-laugh-at-someone-as-adorable-as-you act," you said placing your face in the palm of your hand.

"What?" Varian said with a small laugh. "It's true." He smirked and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"No," you said pushing him away with your free arm. "I don't need your charms or flirting right now. I need realism."

Varian thought for a second before smirking. "Okay," he said as he picked you up and left the room.

"Varian!" you exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"You said you wanted realism," Varian said. "So, I'm going to show how real of a good dancer you are."

"Varian," you said rolling your eyes. "Can you at least let me walk."

"Nope," Varian said. "Your feet have been at work all afternoon. They could use a short break."

"Varian, my feet are fine," you said.

"You're still fun to carry," Varian said as he continued on.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. Varian always seemed to do this. He say that you were in no condition to do something, when you were fine, and he would just end up doing it for you. It was always worse when you actually were in bad condition. You could still remember how crazy he was when you had the flu.

"Here we are," Varian said as he walked through door and finally put you down.

"Why are we in your den?" you asked once you realized where you were.

"We needed a change in scenery," Varian said.

"We didn't," you simply said.

"For this," Varian said. "We do."

You sighed and followed him as he walked to the middle of the room.

"Now," Varian said. "Your problem is that you are missing something vital in your formula and getting the wrong product on every try."

"Varian, what are you--" you tried to ask.

"Your problem is that your reactants and products aren't balanced," Varian continued on as if he didn't hear you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," you said.

Varian stepped in front of you and took of your left hand with his own. He placed your hand on his shoulder, and he put his left hand on your back. He gripped your right hand with his own and intertwined your fingers.

"You simply need a partner," Varian said.

"Varian," you said. "I don't see how having a partner will make any difference."

"You'll see," Varian said as he took a step back. You slowly followed. He continued on with a few steps forward and a few steps back, followed by a slight turn here and there. You followed along with ease.

"See?" Varian said. "Told you."

Your rolled your eyes and laughed. You two continued to slowly dance around the den. After a while, you found yourself pressing closer to Varian. You were now resting your head against him with both of your hands on his shoulders and his wrapped around your torso. 

You two finally stopped the dance but still held onto each other. 

"Thanks," you simply said with slightly tinted cheeks.

"Any time, (y/n)," Varian said with a smile before kissing your forehead. 

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now