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Toy Story AU

"Oh, (y/n) and Varian," a young girl said as she held two dolls in her hands. "I always knew you were meant for each other. I couldn't be happier to call, you boyfriend and girlfriend." She brought the two dolls together and pretended that they kissed. She reached over to her other toys and pretended that they cheered.

The girl was then called by her mother to come down for dinner. She quickly picked up her toys and put them in her toy chest, while putting you and Varian on her bed. She then left her room and closed the door.

You and Varian stayed frozen for a moment longer, just in case you owner came back unexpectedly. Once you were sure the coast was clear, you both blinked your eyes and started to move. You looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey lovebirds!" someone called. You both looked over at the toy chest to see the other toys crawling out of it. "Come on down here!"

You were about to move to get down, but Varian grabbed you, stopping you in your tracks. He held you bridal style and carried you down.

"I told you they'd get together," Star happily said waving her plastic wand around.

"It was pretty obvious," Garnet said pushing her shades down and winking at you two.

You and Varian laughed a little and your cheeks lit up. You had always been seen as the power couple by everyone. From the moment your owner unwrapped Varian on her birthday, there was a spark between you two. No matter what, your owner always kept the two of you together. Whenever someone tried to place you two in separate places, your owner would say that you two had to be kept together because you were madly in love.

Today your owner basically sealed your relationship. In your owner's eyes you and Varian were dating now. It was so strange, but it felt so nice. You and Varian smiled as you kept one arm around the other. You hoped it could always be like this.

Sadly, this wouldn't last forever.

All of your hearts stopped when you saw your owner's mom putting up a yard sale sign. Your owner had been getting older, and their parents decided it was time for her to let go of some things.

Your owner's mom came into the room and put you all into a large box. She took it outside and handed it to your owner. She started placing you all out on some tables.

Eventually, you and Varian were the only ones left in the box. Your owner took you out and placed the two of you side by side on a table. She took out a tag and wrote a price on it. She then tied it around your wrists. "Don't worry," she said. "I'll make sure you two stay together." She smiled and walked off to continue setting up.

You and Varian were filled with a bit of relief upon hearing that you'd be sold together. You were both upset that you'd be separated from your friends, but you were happy that you'd at least have each other.

After a while, the yard sale was all set and people started to show up. One by one, you both watched your friends get taken by children. A fair amount of people took interest in the two of you, but no one wanted both of you. They always wanted one or the other, but your owner would only sell you two together.

Later in the day, a very fancy-looking woman stopped by. She seemed to look at everything in disgust until her eyes landed on you. She walked up to where you and Varian were. She inspected your hair, dress, face, everything.

"Excuse me," the woman said getting the attention of your owner and her mom. "I'd very much like to purchase that doll. It's the perfect gift for my little girl."

"What about the other one?" your owner asked pointing at Varian.

"Absolutely not," the woman said. "It's far to cheap and tacky for my daughter."

"But I'm selling them together," your owner said. "You either get both or none."

"Okay," the woman said. "How about this? I'll pay you double if you give me just the girl."

"No," your owner said. "They have to me kept together."

"Sweetie, you not still on about that, are you?" your owner's mom said.

"They're in love, Mom," you owner said. "You can't separate them."

"They're just toys," her mom said. "We'll sell you just the girl."

"Thank you," the woman said handing your owner's mom a fair amount of money. She reached over and picked you up taking the tag off of your wrist.

"No," your owner said grabbing onto you and trying to pull you out of the woman's grip. "You can't take (y/n) away from Varian." Her nomads her let go, and the woman left with you.

Varian and you felt crushed as the woman carried you away, placed you in her car, and drove off. You had now lost all your friends and your love. You had no one. Varian had no one.

Eventually a family with two boys and a girl came along and took Varian. The girl loved to play with him, but her brothers would always snatch Varian from her and keep him out of her reach. They usually acted way too rough with him, which lead to a bit of damage here and there. He was thrown across rooms. He dropped in mud. He was miserable.

One day while the family was in the car, the girl had Varian with her when her brothers tried to snatch him again. They all fought over him and pulled on his arms and legs. If it went on for much longer, his limbs would likely have come off.

With one last tug, Varian was sent flying out the open window. He landed on the sidewalk as the car continued on and disappeared in the distance. He just laid there for a moment. Eventually, he picked himself up and began to walk. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he just knew he wanted to be so where else. But he knew the real place he wanted to be was by your side.

After a while it started to rain. Varian still continued onward. Suddenly, he saw a silhouette coming towards him. He quickly froze and dropped to the ground. The person stopped in front of Varian and picked him up. It was a young girl. She looked him over.

"A charming doll," she said. "You're a little beaten, but we can fix that." She smiled and continued onward taking Varian with her.

Once the girl got home, she cleaned Varian up and stitched him back up. "There," she said once she finished her work. "That's much better. I should put your it's the others now." The girl got up and took Varian with her into another room. She turned on a light to reveal tons of dolls, but one caught Varian's eye.

"You can stay with (y/n)," the girl said placing Varian next to you. She smiled, turned off the light, and left the room.

You and Varian unfroze and stared at each other in disbelief. Once you were certain this was real, the two of you embraced. Somehow, fate brought the two of you together again. This proved something: you weren't meant to ever be separated.

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