According To Plan

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You tending to the decorations for Rapunzel's little party when you felt someone sneak up on you. "Ahh!" you exclaimed jumping up. You turned around to see who had scared. "Oh, hello, your highness."

"Hey, (y/n)," Rapunzel happily said. "Sorry for scaring you, but I just had to know what you were thinking of wearing to the party."

"What?" you asked as you rearranged some flowers in a vase to make them look more symmetrical.

"You know," Rapunzel said. "The party you're helping me set up. I want to know what your outfit will look like."

"Wait," you said turning and facing her. "You aren't expecting me to come to this party, are you?"

"Of course," Rapunzel said. "Everyone is invited."

"Well," you said moving to another table. "I'm sorry to tel you that I'm not coming."

"What?" Raounzel said. "Why not?"

"I'm just not cut out for these sort of things," you said. "Besides, this is a party where you want people to find their 'true loves', and that's not for me."

"Why not?" Raounzel asked. "You're a pretty girl, you're sweet, and you're smart. Why wouldn't someone want you."

"It may not be as much 'they don't want me' as much as 'I don't want them'," you said. "Guys flirt with me a lot just to see if they can get some...action."

"Well, maybe tonight will be different," Rapunzel said.

"Nope," you said popping the p.

"Oh, come on," Rapunzel said. "Please."

"Rapunzel, I said 'no',' you replied.

"Said 'no' to what?" Cassandra asked walking into the room with a box of decorations and Eugene walking right behind her.

"(Y/n) said that she's not going to the party tonight," Rapunzel said. 

"Come on, kid," Eugene said ruffling your hair. "Why not go? You could meet your prince charming."

"Yeah, no," you said fixing your hair. "I have no interest in romance."

"Oh, come on," Cassandra said. "I'm not crazy about that stuff either, but I'm still going. You should really give it a shot. To Eugene's point, you could meet your 'true love' tonight."

"Cassandra," you said. "Don't be ridiculous. You know any guy that's ever shown interest in me just wanted pleasing."

"Come on," they all said. 

"No," you responded and left the room. 

"You're making her go, aren't you?" Cassandra said to Rapunzel.

"Oh, more than that," Rapunzel said rubbing her hands together. "I'm going to set her up. I'll make sure she meets her match at the party, and she'll see that there is such thing as true love."


You were polishing the dozens of golden frames that decorated the castle's hallways when you heard someone call your name. "Hey, Rapunzel," you said not looking away from the frame you were polishing.

"Hey, (y/n)," Rapunzel said. "Hey, I was wondering, just out of curiosity, what's your favorite color?"

"I guess I like blue," you said. 

"Great!" Rapunzel said running off.

You shrugged and got back to work.

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