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"(Y/n), help!" Varian yelled out. You rushed to where you heard his voice came from and was shocked at what you saw. Varian was trying to get away from Rapunzel, who was hugging him tightly.

"What's going on?" you questioned walking up to Varian. 

"I dont know," Varian said. "I just bumped into the princess in the hall, and now she won't let go of me."

"Okay, Rapunzel," you said rolling your eyes a little. "If you wanted hugs and cuddles, you could just go ask Eugene, you know your boyfriend, for it."

"But Eugene doesn't have these adorable freckles or teeth," Rapunzel said still clinging onto Varian and poking his features.

"You're really starting to scare me," Varian said. 

"Okay, that's it," you said walking up to them and taking hold of Varian. You started to tug to get him out of Rapunzel's grip. She really put up a fight. It actually turned into a big tug-of-war.

"Just let go," you said pulling on Varian again. With one final tug, Varian was released from Rapunzel's grip, and you two were sent flying across the room. You got up only to see Rapunzel was dashing towards you two. 

"Run!" Varian exclaimed pulling you out of the room and slamming the doors behind him. You both held the doors in place as you heard Rapunzel bang on them from the inside. 

"What has gotten into her?" you asked. 

"I don't know," Varian said. "She's gone crazy!"

"Crazy in love, apparently," you said with a bit of a huff. 

"What's with that tone?" Varian asked. 

"Tired of me, so you go after the princess?" you accused. 

"What?!" Varian exclaimed. "No!"

"Don't be playing dumb," you said as you pushed a chair in front of the doors. "What else are you not telling me? Going after Cassandra again? Did you make another new element and name it after her?"

"Oh, come on," Varian said. "How long are you going to hold that against me?"

"I was ready to let it go until I saw that you're a womanizer," you said. 

"I am not!" Varian exclaimed. 

"Varian!" you both heard a bunch of female voices said. You both turned around to see dozen of female staff members standing behind you. They all looked love struck. Before either of you could think, the women swarmed Varian and pushed you off to the side. 

"Not a womanizer, huh?" you said. 

"I don't even know half of these women!" Varian exclaimed as the girls practically tore him apart. 

"What is going on?!" you exclaimed as you tried to break through the crowd.

"Ladies, please!" Varian exclaimed. 

You got closer to Varian and wrapped your arms around him. With one big tug, you both landed just outside the crowd of ladies. They all turned and stared for a moment before they all came after you. You quickly jumped to your feet, picked Varian up in your arms, and made a run for it. 

"This doesn't seem natural!" you said as you ran with all the girls following closely behind. 

"You think?!" Varian exclaimed. 

You quickly ran into a room and shut the door behind you. You and Varian quickly pushed a dresser in front of the door to prevent the women from entering. 

"What do we do?!" Varian exclaimed. 

"I don't know!" you cried out. 

You both screamed and clung to each other as the door started to give away. You backed up into a corner and slid down to the floor as some ladies started to get in. 

"Varian," you said. "It looks like this is it! Do you have any last words?!"

"I love you (y/n), I always have!" Varian exclaimed without thinking. 

"You too, Varian!" you cried out clinging to him tighter as the girls got closer. "You too!"

"Aww," you heard female voices say. You and Varian opened one eye each to look at what happened. The women weren't coming after you anymore. They were just looking at you two with looks of adoration. 

"What happened?" you asked. All the ladies started to make confused murmuring as they started to question what happened was well and how they got there. 

You quickly let go of Varian and stood up. An idea hit you, and you went back to where you and Varian left Rapunzel. You opened the doors to see she was acting normal again. 

"Rapunzel," you said approaching the princess. "Are you okay."

"Yeah," Rapunzel said. "But I don't remember how I got here."

"Do you recall clinging to Varian and refusing to let him go?" you asked. 

"What?" Rapunzel said confused. "Did I do that?"

"Yes," you said. 

"Oh my," Rapunzel said embarrassed. 

"What's the last thing you can remember from today?" you asked. 

"I don't remember much after lunch and dessert," Rapunzel said. 

"Was there anything unusual you ate?" you asked. 

"Well," Rapunzel said thinking. "They did give these strange blue cupcakes for dessert."

"That's it," you said heading down to the kitchen. On your way there, Varian caught up with you. 

"Hey, where'd you go?" Varian asked. "I couldn't find you anywhere." You didn't respond. You just kept going onward until you ended up in the kitchen. You walked over to the leftovers from the cupcakes and examined a piece closely. 

"Hmm," you said as you inhaled its scent and felt its texture. "Love potion."

"Love potion?" Varian said confused. 

"Someone laced these cupcakes with a unique type of love potion," you said. "Apparently, someone intended for you to get a lot of attention."

"But why?" Varian asked. 

"Because only a confession would fix it," you both heard someone say. You turned to see Eugene and Cassandra standing in the doorway. 

"You two?" you said pointing at them. "Working together? I don't know what to think anymore."

"Pay up," Cassandra said. Eugene sighed and put a few gold coins in Cassandra's hand. 

"Figures," you said crossing your arms. 

"Still meant what I said," Varian said wrapping an arm around you. "Did you?"

You just stood still for a moment. You turned your head and looked at Varian with a blank expression before planting a kiss on his cheek. "Does that answer your question?" you asked. 

Varian didn't respond he just stuttered stuttering as his cheeks lit up. "Thought so," you said with a smile as you patted his head. 

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