Tea Party

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You took a seat at the fancy table with your mother, Queen Arianna, and Princess Rapunzel. You were the princess of a not-too-distant kingdom and has been invited for tea in Corona.

You did your best to sit up straight and make sure not to wrinkle your dress. You new your mother was keeping a close eye on you, and she wanted you to use proper etiquette the whole time you were in Corona.

You glanced over at your father and King Fredric. They had been discussing something, but you weren't sure what.

"We were very pleased to hear you could make it," Arianna said pouring you some tea.

"Oh, of course," you said. "I couldn't refuse an invite from the Queen of Corona."

You suddenly heard the door to the room open. You turned to see a tall man and a young boy.

"Quirin, my old friend," Fredric said. "So pleased you could come."

"Yes, your highness," Quirin said walking towards the king.

You kept your eyes on the young boy. He had large blue eyes, freckles, and a blue streak in his black hair. You quickly turned away and focused on your tea before he could notice that you were staring.

You picked up your teacup and took a sip.

"Pinkie out," your mother said. "And no slurping." You did as you were told.

You glanced back over to the boy to see he had made a silly fake teacup and was copying you. You smiled a little finding it rather humerus.

He inhaled a bit of paper and spit it out. You laughed, accidentally spitting out your tea. 

"(Y/n)!" your mother said getting up. "Now look what you've done. You've ruined your dress. This kind of behavior is not acceptable."

"It was my fault," the boy said.

"What?" your mother said turning to look at the boy.

"I made her laugh," he said.

"Did you?" your mother said approaching the boy. She stood in front of him and smacked him across the face. "I'll not have a filthy peasant boy ruin my daughter's good name."

"(Y/n)," your mother said grabbing your wrist. "Come along now." She dragged you out of the room. You turned and looked at the boy with an apologetic face.

After a few hours, you left your room and walked down to the gardens to clear your head. You were surprised to see the same boy from before sitting on a bench and staring at the pond.

You slowly walked over to him. "Hi," you softly said. He turned around in surprised and looked at you.

"Hi," he said.

"Mind if I sit down?" you asked. The boy shook his head, and you sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry about my mother," you said. "She's not usually like that."

"I'm sorry that I embarrassed you," he said.

"You didn't embarrass me," you said placing a hand on his shoulder. "You just made me laugh. It felt rather nice actually." You saw a smile appear on the boy's face. "I'm princess (y/n) you said. "Who, might I ask, are you?"

"Varian," he said.

"Well, Varian," you said. "Thank-you for making me laugh, especially at a tea party. I've never really been find of those."

"No problem," he said.

You smiled and placed your hand on top of his gloves on as you two took in the beautiful scenery of the garden.

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