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You and Varian were sitting with Eugene, Lance, Hook Foot, and Shorty in the caravan, while Rapunzel and Cassandra sat out in front.

"Are you kids ready?" Eugene asked.

"Ready for what?" you said. "Dare I ask."

"Are you ready to see the wondrous city of Kingsaldom," Lance happily said.

"You mean like the wondrous city of Varidos?" Varian sarcastically said.

"Okay," Eugene said. "I know our last stop wasn't the best, but this place will be different." You both sighed, not really believing them.

After a while the caravan came to a stop. "Well, kids," Eugene said opening the door of the caravan.

"Wow, Eugene," you said. "You were right. This isn't like Varados. It's worse."

"What?" Eugene said looking out the door. He was shocked to see the whole town in total ruin. It looked as if it had been completely burned too the ground. There were ashes and burnt wood everywhere, and the sky was as grey as smoke.

"What happened here?" Rapunzel asked jumping down to the ground.

"I don't know," Eugene said.

"Max and Fidella need a minute to rest," Cassandra said. "We might have to stay here a while."

"In this place?" Eugene said gesturing to the destroyed town. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Relax," Cassandra said. "It will only be for a little bit. It's not like we're staying here all night."

Time passed and you all gathered around a fire to keep warm. Your ears suddenly perked up at a strange sound. "Did you hear that?" you asked.

"Hear what?" Varian replied.

You heard the sound again. "That," you said getting up and following it.

"(Y/n)," Varian said getting up and following you. "Wait." You didn't listen and continued onward.

The sound let you to a partially destroyed house. You walked through the rubble and looked around until you saw a box moving. You walked over and lifted up the lid. You gasped at what you saw. In the box was a crying baby girl. You quickly picked her up and tried to calm her down.

"(Y/n), what is it?" Varian asked walking up behind you. You turned around and showed him the baby.

"She's probably the only survivor," you said. "We can't leave her alone out here." Varian nodded, and you both headed back towards the group.

"Okay," Cassandra said. "We should be good to go. All we need is (y/n) and Varian."

"There they are," Rapunzel said once she spotted the two of you. "Hey, guys. What ya got there?" She gasped when she saw the baby in your arms.

"Oh my gosh," Rapunzel said. "You're parents." Your's and Varian's cheeks lit up.

"You two seem kind of young for that kind of commitment," Eugene said with a laugh.

"Cut the comedy, Eugene," you said. "This baby might be the only survivor of what happened to this place. We can't just leave her out here." Everyone stayed silent as you and Varian walked into the caravan.

Later that night, you and Varian were laying in your hammock, but neither of you could sleep. You looked down at the baby girl that was soundly asleep on your chest.

"What are we supposed to do?" you asked. "We're too young to be parents, and we can't just go back to Corona now. Not to mention that this journey we're on could be dangerous."

Varian held your hand up and kissed it. "You're worrying too much," Varian said. "Keep in mind, we aren't alone. We can handle it."

"Are you sure?" you asked.

Varian pecked your lips. "Positive."

You sighed and leaned back onto Varian. "So, what should we call her?" Varian asked.

"What?" you said confused.

"Well," Varian said. "We're going to have her around for a while, so I think we should call her something besides 'the baby'."

"Well," you said looking at the girl. "How about Hope?"

"Hope?" Varian repeated.

"She survived the destruction of her home," you said. "She could be our hope that we'll make it through our journey."

"Hope it is," Varian said yawning. "Well, goodnight." He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. You soon did the same with Varian holding you close and Hope in your arms.

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