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You groaned a little as you started to open your eyes. You rubbed your head a little trying to remember what happened. The last thing you could recall was some strange fog appearing outside your window and some monstrous creature attacking Rapunzel. Then there was this flash of green and all went black.

You thought for a second more as you were forgetting a detail. It suddenly hit you. Someone had thrown that green powder at you to knock you out. 

"Varian," you said in panic jumping up. You were stopped when you felt metal on your wrists pulling you down. You saw you were in shackles that were bolted to the floor. You frantically pulled at the chains hoping to get free somehow. 

"Oh, good," you heard a familiar voice say. "You're awake."

You turned around to see Varian approaching you with a sinister grin on his face. You backed away from him in fear and tugged on the chains more. 

"Don't fret," Varian said once he was directly in front of you. He was an inch or two taller than you, which only made you feel worse. He took hold of your face with one of his hands and brought it close to his own. "You know I'd never hurt you. You're merely bait to lure Rapunzel here. After all," Varian let go of your face and turned around. "She'd never let anything happen to her little sister."

Varian leaned against a table and kept looking you up and down with his smug grin as you continued to struggle against your restraints.

"You know you look much better in chains," Varian said as he put his hand to his chin as if he was thinking.

"Wait, what?" you said as you stopped struggling for a moment. "Why would you say that?"

"You're hotter when you're all flustered and angry like that," Varian said as he circled around you.

"You kidnapped me!" you exclaimed. "You shouldn't be flirting with me!"

"Ah, now you're blushing," Varian said taking hold of your face once more and bringing it dangerously close to his. "Interesting."

"I-I'm not blushing," you said ripping your face out of his grip. "I'm annoyed!"

"Mmm hmm," Varian said as he continued to smirk. "Keep telling yourself that." He traced his hand along your body as he walked to a table to cheek over his data.

You pulled on the chains some more. You really hoped Rapunzel and the others would be able to help you out of this.

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