Everyday (Know Better Part 2)

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It should have been like every other day. Every day in this place had been the same since you'd arrived. You and Varian would always wake up, head to the mess hall for breakfast, find ways to pass the time while occasionally running into Mal and/or some of his goons, typically skipping lunch in favor a make-out session, find more ways to pass the time while avoiding Mal and his gang, Varian escorting you to a secluded place for you to bathe without worrying about the creeps and rapists, then cuddling in Varian's cell all night after roll call. That day, things changed.

Lately, you had been feeling under the weather. It got bad enough to where a nurse had to look at you. Whatever the problem was, she was having extreme trouble finding it. It lead to you being kept in the infirmary...without Varian. He was allowed to visit you, but  he always had to leave at some point. You didn't like it.

You were used to having Varian with you at all times ever since you came to this awful place. You were never supposed to be here in the first place. You had been framed. You never did anything wrong. The lawyer for the true guilty party was just a good liar. It made you hate him so much. It was because of him and his client that you were thrown into this hell. This place where you were constantly in danger of being hurt or losing your virginity in the worst way.

You were brought out of your thoughts when you saw the nurse shut down her laptop. It was time for her to leave. That made you scared. It meant you be left alone in the infirmary until morning when she'd return. She always locked the door for your safety, but it didn't help your nerves.

"Just relax tonight and keep that cold rag on your head," the nurse said packing up her stuff. "I'll check on your progress in the morning."

"Okay," you said in a slightly shake-y voice.

"Don't worry," the nurse said. "The door will be locked. No one is going to get in here." You just nodded as she left and locked the door. You closed your eyes and tried to get some rest.

After a while, you were awakened by a strange sound. You sat up and looked around the dark room. "Is someone in here?" you asked. "Varian?"

"Not Varian, dollface," you heard a voice say. You froze up at the sound of it. It was a voice you feared more than any other.

"M-m-Mal?" you said in fear as you saw him approach you. "How did you get in here?"

"You didn't think something like a locked door would keep us apart, did you?" he said with a malicious smirk.

"What do you want?" you asked trying your best to keep the fear out of your voice.

"I think you know what I want," he said.

"No," you said using your blanket to cover your form even more. 

Mal chuckled. "No, not that."

"What?" you said confused. "But you--"

"Yes, I still want that," Mal said. "But not now. I want something else from you."

"What?" you asked.

"Break Varian's heart," Mal simply said.

"No," you quickly said. You could never hurt him.

"Look at it this way, dollface," Mal said. "You can either work with me and have a lot less to fear in this place, or you could continue to defy me and watch as he suffers by my men's hands."

You gasped. "Don't you dare hurt him."

"I won't," Mal said. "If you leave him."


"Either you leave him, or by boys provide a very painful way for him to leave you...permanently," Mal said.

You were quiet for a moment. "What do you want me to do?"

The next day, Varian showed up in the infirmary to see you like he usually did.

"Hey, (y/n)," Varian said with a smile.

"Hi, Varian," you said.

"Are you okay?" Varian asked. "You look kind of pale."

"I don't want to see you anymore," you said.

"What?" Varian said in shock. "What are you talking about?"

"I've taken notice of your innappropite behavior towards me," you said.

"What are you talking about?" Varian said completely confused.

"I've been told when you let me have my private time, you've been staring," you said.

"What?!" Varian exclaimed with his cheeks turning red. "I'd never stare at you when you're naked."

"You sexual desires have become clear," you said. "And that is something I don't need in this place.

"But (y/n)," Varian said.

"Leave me alone!" you yelled at him then turned away. Varian stared at you in shock for a moment before running out the door in tears. You turned back to look where he once was. You knew knew it wasn't true. You knew he wasn't a peeping tom, but it was all part of the deal.

"Good girl," Mal said placing his hands on your shoulders from behind as he stepped out of his hiding place.

It turned out one of Mal's gang members had drugged you with something only they had the antidote for. They were able to sneak it in with the normal medication the nurse have you to fool her.

Once you got better, your everyday routine wasn't the same anymore. You were never allowed around Varian.  You were always with Mal and his gang. You basically became his "arm candy" during the day and was kept in his bed every night. You'd always see Varian from afar. You could see the pain and heartbreak in his eyes. It reflected your own. You always wanted to run to him, but if you ever tried, Mal wouldn't hesitate to have his gang kill Varian. You had to stay with him or else.

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