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"Varian, calm down!" you exclaimed.

"Calm down?!" Varian yelled. "Calm down?! Mind telling me why that guy was all over you?!"

"He wasn't all over me," you said. 

"He was touching you all over," Varian said. 

"Varian, he's one of my oldest friends," you said. "We were just messing around with each other. I'd really appreciate it if you could explain why you were staring daggers at him before he even did anything." You crossed your arms. 

"I just don't like him," Varian said crossing his arms as well. 

"Why?" you asked. "He was nice to you. He never acted mean or rude in any way."

"I don't like him being around you," Varian said.

"Not this again," you said lightly face-palming yourself. "Varian, just because I hang out with other boys does not make them my boyfriends. You can't keep me from hanging out with my friends."

"I beg to differ," Varian said. 

"Excuse me?!" you said raising your voice. "Varian, you can't keep treating me like this. I'm not a piece of property that you can decide can be shared or not."

"Oh, really?" Varian said walking closer to you as you backed away until you were against a wall. "You made a promise to stay with me no matter what. I'm not letting those other people get to you and take you away." He suddenly grabbed hold of you. "You belong to me and nobody else."

"I'm not an object to be owned, Varian," you said.

"So cute," Varian said with a smug grin as he pulled you forward. He softly pressed your lips against his. You gave in for a moment before suddenly coming to your senses and pushing him away.

"No," you said. "You can't keep doing this. You can't treat me like a possession then act like it's not a problem."

"You know you love it," Varian said taking hold of you once more. 

"No, I don't," you said. "Now, if you care about me at all, let go of me."

"Stop fighting it," Varian said pulling you in again.

You squirmed, but you couldn't break free of his grip. You acted without thinking and smacked him across the face. You stood back in a bit of shock at what you just did. 

"(Y/n)," Varian said sounding shocked as he held a hand to his cheek.

"I-I'm sorry," you said Turing and trying to leave.

"What are you doing?!" Varian exclaimed grabbing your wrist and holding you back.

"I'm leaving," you said. "I can't do this anymore."

"Leaving?" Varian said sounding heartbroken. "You can't. You promised you'd never leave my side."

"I promised that to my Varian," you said. "The one who respected me and treated me like a person and not property." You turned and left.


A few days had gone by, and Varian still wasn't over you. Every day he would try to win you back. He tried giving flowers, writing poetry, performing serenades, and basically anything else someone would try to get someone back.

It was torture for you. It was so hard not to run to him. You still loved him and wanted to be with him, but you just couldn't do it. You couldn't let him try to control you again.

Later that night, you heard a knock at the front door of your home. you wondered why someone would be at the door at this hour and in this stormy weather.

You opened the door to reveal the all-too-familiar face of a young alchemist. "(Y/n)," Varian said stepping towards you. You stepped back. "Please, come back. I'm sorry I wasn't giving you the respect that you deserved. I no I was wrong for treating you that way, but please give me another chance. I can't live without you."

You sighed and looked into Varian's eyes. He really was in pain over losing you, and he really did want you back more than anything. He looked so tired, like he hadn't slept in days. His eyes looked red, meaning he was likely crying a lot.

"Okay," you said. "I'll gibe you another chance, but if you ever treat me like that again, I won't hesitate to leave you."

"Okay. Okay," Varian said as his eyes filled with tears. He embraced you and held you close. You rolled your eyes a little and hugged him back. 

"Come on," you said bringing Varian inside. "You looked soaked to the bone. You probably shouldn't go back to Old Corona tonight." varian smiled and didn't object.

The two of you spent the rest of the night cuddled next to each other, wrapped in blankets in front of a lit fireplace. You both were happy to have each other back. You hoped you'd never fight like that again.

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