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Varian stood in front of the door. He was frozen. He wasn't sure what to do. He took a deep breath and clutched the single rose in his hand. He slowly raised his fist and knocked on the door.

After a minute or two, the door opened to reveal a depressed-looking woman. "You," she said with deep hatred in her voice.

"Hello, Mrs. (l/n)," Varian said nervously. "I know you're really sore at me, but please let me--"

"You think I'm letting you anywhere near her?" she said sounding enraged. "You are never getting anywhere close to my daughter again. It's all your fault."

"Mom?" they both heard someone say. "Who's at the door?"

"No one," your mom said trying to push Varian away. 

"(Y/n)!" Varian exclaimed. 

"Varian?" you said coming forward. 

"Stay away from the light!" your mother said. You backed up just before a ray of sunshine could fall on you. 

"Varian, what are you doing here?" you asked. 

"(Y/n), please," Varian said. "I never meant it. I'm so sorry."

"Go away," your mom said. 

"Mother," you said. "Please, let him in."

"What?" your mother said confused. "But (y/n)--"

"Please," you said not looking her in the eyes. A few tears welled up in your mom's eyes before she sighed. She stepped aside and let Varian enter. 

"(Y/n)," Varian said walking up to you. "I'm so sorry. I--" He was cut off when you wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. He returned the gesture by wrapping his arms tightly around you. 

You let go of Varian and took hold of his hand. You led him to your room and sat down on your bed. Varian offered you the rose with a small smile. You took it from his hand and smiled. You placed it on your nightstand and placed your hands in your lap.

"I'm so sorry," Varian said as tears spilled out of his eyes. 

You took hold of his hands. "Hey," you said. "It's okay. It isn't your fault."

"Yes it is," Varian said as more tears fell down his face. "I never should have had you out that late in the first place. It wasn't for my dumb idea of watching the sunrise--" He broke down into more sobs. 

You scooted closer to Varian and held him close. "It's okay, Varian," you said rubbing circles on his back. "If I had told you right away, it wouldn't have happened. But it happened, and we have to accept it."

"Accept it?!" Varian exclaimed breaking out of your embrace and holding you by the shoulders. "How can I accept this?! How am I supposed to be okay with the fact that you're going to be gone, and it was all because of a mistake that I made?!"

"Varian," you said cupping his cheeks and wiping away a few of his tears with your thumbs. "With this condition I have, my mother and I knew it wasn't a matter of 'if'. It was a matter of 'when'."

Varian cried more as he leaned against you. "There is something I wanted to ask of you, though," you said. 

"Of course," Varian said straightening up, grabbing both of your hands, and looking you in the eyes. "I'll do anything."

You leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened, and he looked at you in shock. "No," he said fearfully shaking his head.

"You know it's been my dream for my whole life," you said. 

"But, (y/n), that means you'll--"

"Varian, it's too late," you said. "I'm already down that path. Please, let me experience this. 

Varian stared at your pleading face as more tears slipped out of his eyes. He wiped them away and gently took hold of your hands. He firmly nodded, and a small smile crept across your face. 

You lead Varian out of your room and headed for the front door. "(Y/n)!" your mom exclaimed stepping in front of you. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going out," you said grabbing your cloak. 

"No!" your mother cried grabbing onto your shoulders. "(Y/n), no. No. You'll...you'll..."

"I know," you said. "But it's too late for that. Just let me have this. Let me have what Dad always wanted for me."

Your mom's eyes were tearing up like crazy. She looked at the family photo of you, her, and your dad. She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against yours. "I'm coming with you," she said. 

A small smile came across your face. You turned to Varian and linked hands with him. Slowly, your mom opened the front door. You were still for a moment before taking a deep breath and stepped forward.

Varian and your mom slowly lead you to the patches of wild flowers your dad had always told about. They both nodded at each other and slowly removed your hood. 

It felt so amazing. The sun was so warm against your skin. The breeze felt so nice blowing through your hair. 

Varian took hold of your hands and lead you through the patches as your mom watched. You had the most amazing time of your life that afternoon.

"I always dreamed it'd be like this," you said leaning your forehead against Varian's. "It's even better that I get to experience this with you."

Varian smiled as a few tears slipped out of his eyes. "Hey," you said. "Always remember this." You softly kissed his lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Varian said holding back a few sobs.


Varian and your mom stood in front of a grave stone. Varian placed a single rose on top of it. "I'll miss her," he said. "No matter what, I'll always miss her."

"Thank-you," your mom said placing a hand on Varian's shoulder. 

"For what?" Varian asked. 

"For being in my daughter's life," she said. "For making her dreams come true."

"You're welcome," Varian said with a bittersweet smile on his face. 

They both looked at the grave stone:

(Y/n) (L/n)

Embrace the light forever


This was heavily based on the movie Midnight Sun. Seriously, that was the first movie to make me tear up in years.

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