Nothing Happened

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You followed Rapunzel and Varian as they went through a doorway. The door suddenly slaked shut behind you. The one leading the way out shut as well. You all looked around nervously as you felt the room shake. You then noticed that the walls were moving!

You and Rapunzel ran to one wall and tried to push it back, while Varian went to the other side.

"We're gonna be squished!" Varian exclaimed.

Rapunzel picked up a bone near her and Varian's staff. She lifts Pascal up to the moving gears. "Pascal, try to lodge this bone into those gears," Rapunzel said. Pascal nodded and successfully lodged the bone in, making the walls stop.

You all sighed in relief. "No go behind the wall and try to find some sort of release mechanism." Pascal nodded and started to walk forward. Suddenly, the bone broke and the gears moved again. Pascal quickly ran through them.

"Pascal!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"Could use some help," you said as you continued to try and push the wall back. Rapunzel quickly joined you again.

"Pascal, hurry!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"We're getting to close!" You said in panic.

"Woah! Woah!" Varian exclaimed as he tried to push the other wall away with his foot.

"This is it!" you exclaimed. "We're doomed!" You just noticed that Varian was facing you with one hand on both sides of you. Both of your faces lit up a little. The walls kept pushing you closer, and closer, and closer, until-

"Mph!" you exclaimed as you felt Varian's lips hit yours. Both of your eyes were wide for a second before closing in content. Neither of you even noticed that the walls had stopped.

"Pascal, you did it!" Rapunzel happily said as her chameleon friend landed on her head. "Guys, we're-" Rapunzel stopped when she saw you two.

The walls slowly started to retract, causing you and Varian to fall. You landed with Varian right on top of you. Both of your faces were extremely red, your eyes were wide.

Rapunzel squealed. "I knew it!"

"Uh, nothing happened," Varian said getting up and helping you up.

"It was the walls, not us," you said.

"We should continue forward," Varian said as he started to walk towards the opened doorway. 

"Yep," you said. Rapunzel sent you a sly smile. "Nothing happened."

Rapunzel looked down and noticed your's and Varian's hands were intertwined. "Right," Rapunzel said crossing her arms and smirking. "Nothing."

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