Name (Wait, What? Pt. 2)

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Rapunzel squealed and jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

"I know it's a lot to take in," you said rubbing your stomach where a small bump had started to form. 

"This is amazing!" Rapunzel squealed and dashed towards you. She caught you off-guard when she pressed her ear against your belly.

"Raps," Cassandra said pulling Rapunzel back up by her shoulders. "That's rude."

"Oh," Rapunzel said putting her hand to her mouth. She looked over at you to see Varian had slightly stepped in front of you as if he was guarding you. "Sorry."

"It's okay," you said placing a hand on Varian's shoulder to make him relax.  

"So, what are you going to name him or her?" Rapunzel asked. 

"What?" you said. 

"What names have you thought of for your baby?" Rapunzel asked. 

"Wait," you said putting your hands up. "I'm not even sure if I'm going to keep it."

"Why?" Rapunzel asked. "Your its mom, aren't you? Shouldn't it stay with you?"

"I don't know," you said as tears started to well up in your eyes. "I just...I'm not ready. Is that selfish? Is it my responsibility?"

"(Y/n)," Varian calmly said reaching for you. 

"I didn't ask for this!" you exclaimed as tears ran down your face. You covered your mouth and ran out of the room. Varian sent a cold glare Rapunzel's way before chasing after you. 

"Was it something I said?" Rapunzel asked. 

"Raps," Cassandra said placing a hand on Rapunzel's shoulder. "I know to you this seems like something good and exciting, but you just don't seem to see the big picture here."

"What do you mean?" Rapunzel asked. 

Cassandra sighed. "(Y/n) is still only fourteen. It's not exactly normal for a girl her age to go through this."

"I dont understand," Rapunzel said. "(Y/n) is great with kids, shouldn't she be happy that she's going to have her own?" 

"I'll say this much, Raps," Cassandra said. "Remember how overwhelmed you felt when Eugene proposed to you?" Rapunzel nodded. "Then you should have a good idea how (y/n) feels." With that said, she turned and left the room. Rapunzel sat down on her bed and just thought about what Cassandra said. 

You cried hard as Varian held you close and stroked your hair. "It's okay," he said. "It's okay."

"I don't know what to do," you said as you continued to sob. "I'm scared, Varian. I'm so scared."

"Shh," Varian said as he slightly rocked you. "It's going to be okay. Whether you decide to keep it or not is up to you. I'll be there to support you, no matter what you decide. 

"Really?" you asked lifting your head to look up at him.

Varian smiled and wiped your tears away with his thumb. "Of course," he said leaning his forehead against yours. "This is partially my fault, and I am the dad, after all."

You laughed a little as you let a few more tears escape your eyes. "I'm still relieved at least that it was your DNA in that formula."

"Well," Varian said with a nervous chuckle. "It was a prototype, and when it comes to test subjects, it's usually you or me. I needed a male subject, so there wasn't really any competition."

You laughed again. "Stop being cute," you said. "Oh!"

"What?" Varian said. 

"I think I felt movement," you said looking down at your belly. Varian smiled and shifted you so you were sitting across his lap horizontally. You leaned against Varian as you both placed your hands on your belly. 

"Out of curiosity," Varian said. "What would you name it?"

"Well," you said. "If it was a girl, I guess I would name her Rose."

"And if it was a boy?" Varian asked. 

You playfully shrugged. "I'd probably just call him Varian Junior." Varian's cheeks lit up a little. You chuckled and kissed his cheek. "He'd likely be as cute as his dad."

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