Take My Hand

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You struggled as you tried to keep everyone back. It didn't exactly help that the only help you were getting was from a chameleon. Pascal was great and all, but he wasn't the strongest person you could think of. 

"Guys, this is ridiculous!" you exclaimed as you saw the idol get thrown back and forth between the crowd. "You're letting that idol control you!"

"We want our happiness!" Eugene yelled, clearly not himself. 

"Little princess has no right to take it away," Cassandra said drawing her sword and bringing it dangerously close to you.

"Yeah," Lance said joining them. 

"What they said," Hook Foot added. 

Rapunzel was trying to the top of the tall structure to destroy the idol. She was suddenly tripped by the overtaken Lorbs and dropped the idol. "No!" Rapunzel exclaimed helplessly reaching for it as it plummeted towards the angry crowd. 

"I got it!" you exclaimed slipping on a pair of gloves and trying to catch it. Eugene grabbed hold of you, trying to stop you in your tracks. You were able to escape his grip, but that lead to you losing your gloves. Suddenly, the idol landed right in your hands. 

"Oh no," you said to yourself. You were the only one of the group who didn't touch this thing. You couldn't take any chances at being overtaken by it. 

"Don't believe whatever it does," you said to yourself trying to prevent it from overtaking you. "Whatever it does; it's not real. It's not real."

"Hello, (n/n)~" you heard a familiar voice say from behind you. 

"No," you said starting to turn around. "It can't be." 

There, before you, you saw Varian. It wasn't possible. He was in Corona. He was locked up. He couldn't be here. That's what you kept trying to tell yourself. 

"Varian?" you said feeling slightly confused. 

"Yes, (y/n)," he said walking towards you. "I'm here."

"H-h-how?" you said as he got closer. "Y-y-you were, you were..."

"Thrown in prison?" Varian finished for you. 

"Yes," you said. You suddenly started to shake your head. "No. This, this isn't real. You're not real. It's the idol."

"Does this not feel real?" Varian asked gently caressing your cheek. You stiffed up before giving in to the gentle touch. You were suddenly engulfed in a warm embrace. 

"You're here," you said as your eyes glowed green for a second. 

"Yes, I am," Varian said with a gentle smile. "And I don't have to leave, ever."

"You don't?" you asked feeling slightly confused. 

"As long as you keep that idol in your grasp, I'll always be here," he said. 

"Wait," you said breaking the hug and looking at the idol. "No. I have to destroy it. It's tearing everyone apart."

"But it brings you your happiness, doesn't it?" Varian said. "Did I not make you happy every day we were together?"

"You did," you said. 

"They took me away from you, didn't they?" Varian said. 

"Yes, but-" you tried to say. 

"Are you really going to let them destroy your happiness again?" Varian said. He walked up next to you. "Let them separate us once more?"

"No," you said trying not to look at him. You took notice of a nearby rock and picked it up.

"(Y/n), stop and think about what you're doing!" Varian said. "You don't want to destroy your happiness, do you?"

"This isn't real!" you yelled out. "This idol might make me think I'm happy, but it's all a fake! This idol won't bring happiness, because happiness is found in your heart!" You brought the rock down, hard and broke the idol. 

"(Y/n)!" Varian exclaimed as he vanished from sight and disappeared. 

"(Y/n)," everyone said running up to you. 

"Are you okay?" Rapunzel asked placing a hand on your shoulder. 

"I'm...fine," you said getting up and looking at the now destroyed idol. "It wasn't real."

"But your feelings were," Rapunzel said. 

"I know," you said looking at her. "But I can find happiness, even if he isn't with me." You turned and looked at the group. "'Cause I have you guys." They all smiled at you and initiated a group hug. You smiled at the comfort. 

Varian x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz