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You placed your hand on the strange rocks that had recently destroyed your home. All of Old Corona was dying thanks to these strange black rocks. You thought of Quirin and Varian. They must have been stressed with this. Quirin was the leader of Old Corona and Varian had always loved his village. The last you heard of them, they had gone to tell the king of Old Corona's problem.

"Quirin," you heard some of the villagers say. You turned to see Quirin and Varian has returned. 

"Fear not, my friends," Quirin said. "I have made the king aware of our current situation, and we have his blessing." The crowd of villagers cheered. 

You then took notice of Varian. He didn't seem thrilled or happy. There wasn't even a smile on his face. It looked like a disappointed frown was there instead. 

You approached him as he left the crowd. "Varian," you said. "You're back!"

"(Y/n)?" Varian said turning around. "(Y/n)!" He happily tackled you in a hug. You laughed a little and returned his embrace.

"How was the trip?" you asked once you two broke apart. 

"Well," Varian said hesitating. "It was okay."

"It's so good to know the king is aware of this," you said happily. "Much longer and I'm not sure what would happen to Old Corona."

"Y-y-your home," Varian said looking in the direction of your house. 

"Oh," you said turning to look at it as well. "Yeah, the rocks destroyed it while you were gone, but no worries. The king knows. This will all be over soon."

"Yeah," Varian said hanging his head a little.

"I'm sorry," you said. Varian looked at you a little confused. "I have to get to my chores now, but...see you later?"

"Yeah," Varian said with a small smile.

"Bye," you said with a small wave as you headed over to your parents.

Varian waved back and looked at the rocks that were destroying the place. "I have to do something," Varian said as he headed for his lab.


You couldn't focus properly as you mended the clothes in front of you. You looked in the direction of Varian's home. He had seemed so down. It almost seemed as if he was hiding something. Whatever it was, something was definately off with him. 

You sighed as you stood up and placed the clothes in a basket near you. You took a deep breath and headed for Varian's home. 

You walked up to the front door as was surprised to see it wide open. You walked in and headed for the door to Varian's lab. You could faintly hear Varian's voice on the other side.

"Varian?" you called opening the door. "Are you in here?"

"Oh! Oh!" Varian exclaimed turning to look at you while pouring a strange substance on the rocks.

"Varian?" you said walking towards him. "What are you doing? Why are you pouring chemicals on the rocks?"

"I'm trying to get some answers," Varian said turning back to look at the various chemicals on a table.

"But why?" you asked. "Surely the king will--"

"The king isn't helping," Varian said.

"What?" you asked. "But your dad said--"

"My dad lied," Varian said. "The king doesn't know about this. My dad is just running away from the problem and that's not going to fix anything."

"Even so," you said stepping towards him. "These rocks could be dangerous. You really shouldn't be messing with them."

"I have to do something!" Varian exclaimed. "I can't just sit around and do nothing while Old Corona dies!"

"Varian," you softly said stepping towards him. "Ahh!" you exclaimed when you saw amber-like crystals reaching for Varian.

Varian looked at you confused before he cried out as well. The amber had caught his hand! He pulled, trying to free himself. His hand wouldn't budge.

"Varian!" you exclaimed wrapping your arms around him. "I-I'll get you out of there!" You tugged hard using all the strength you could muster. His hand still couldn't get free.

It suddenly felt harder to tug. You looked down to see the amber had encased both of your feet.

"Varian?" you asked sounding terrified. Neither of you could move your feet. You let go of Varian then held him in more of a hug position. He wrapped his free arm around you. The two of you continued to struggle as the amber crept up your bodies.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry," Varian said as a few tears fell down his face.

"It's okay," you said. "We're going to be okay. I promise."

"You do?" Varian asked. You solemnly nodded before pressing your forehead against his.

"But," you softly said. "With the time we have now..." You closed your eyes and pressed your lips against Varian's. His eyes were wide for a second before closing in content. A single tear escaped your eye just as the amber covered your heads. 

Varian x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz