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You banged on the doors as tears streamed down your face. "Please!" you screamed out. "Let me out! I want to go home!"

"That poor girl," the guards said on the other side of the door. "No telling what that boy did to her to make her so messed up."

"He brainwashed her," the other guard said. "No one could love a criminal that would attack the princess."

"Please!" you continued to cry out as you banged on the doors. "I want to go home! I want my Varian back! He means everything to me!"

"Hopefully, the treatments will work on her soon," one of the guards said.

"Dad, you can't do this," Rapunzel said. "You can't just keep (y/n) locked up in the castle."

"That girl is insane," Fredric said. "She needs proper help to be sane once more."

"(Y/n) isn't insane," Rapunzel said. "She never did anything to us."

"She somehow believes she loves the boy who attacked you," Fredric said. "She clearly was brainwashed in some way."

"You're imprisoning her for being in love?" Rapunzel asked with disbelief.

"She only thinks she loves him," Fredric said. "That boy is dangerous. We can't allow her to be controlled by him and get hurt."

"He's not controlling her," Rspunzel said. "Varian and (y/n) love each other."

"Rapunzel, enough," Fredric said sternly. "(Y/n) stays until she regains her sanity, and that is final."

Rapunzel gave her father one last look of disapproval before running out of the room.

You were cuddling a pillow while crying your eyes out. You were so scared. One minute everything was fine, the next, you were taken away. You were just helping Varian gain data on the strange amber encasing his dad when there was banging on the front door. You and Varian were too scared to answer. Corona guards broke the door down and ran into the house. They all took hold of you and tried to take you out the door. Varian tried to fight them off, but they knocked him out. The guards took you away, and you hadn't seen Varian since.

Suddenly, the door to your room opened, breaking you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see the doctor with his assistants were back. "Hello, (y/n)," he said as his assistants held you down on the bed.

"Now," the doctor said pulling several tools out of his bag. "Let's get started." Your eyes widened in great fear as he pulled out a giant syringe. "This won't hurt a bit."

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