You And Me

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Steven Universe AU

You sighed as you flopped down on the giant cushion in your room. You were so bored. You were the newest diamond: Red Diamond. Sadly, on account of what happened to Pink Diamond thousands of years ago, you were never really doing anything a diamond normally would. Blue just smothered you all the time, and Yellow wouldn't let you do the smallest task. All you could do was lay around your room all day and find ways to entertain yourself.

You really wished at the very least you could interact with some gems besides the other diamonds. You remembered when Blue took you to the human zoo once. You thought the amethysts there were pretty great. However, for whatever reason, Blue didn't take you there anymore, and you weren't allowed to go anywhere without one of the other three diamonds by your side.

The only other gems you got to see besides the diamonds was their pearls. They were okay, but they still had their faults. White's pearl was always so stiff and quiet. Yellow's pearl was a little too snobby and uptight. Blue's pearl was sweet, but she was always so quiet.

You suddenly heard the door to your room open, pulling you from your thoughts. You looked up to see Blue and her pearl walk in.

"Hello, Red," Blue said with a bright smile.

"Hey, Blue," you said with no enthusiasm.

"Red," Blue said. "I know that you've been rather lonely as of late, and I would like to make up for that."

"Really?" you asked.

"Of course," Blue said. "You've been a diamond for a fair amount of time now, and every diamond needs a pearl."

Your eyes widened as Blue presented you with a teal-tinted gemstone. You took it in your hands and looked at it curiously. "My own Pearl?" you asked in slight disbelief.

"Yes," Blue said. "He should keep you company when I'm not here."

"He?" you asked raising a brow.

"Oh, yes," Blue said. "This is a special gem. A successful product from experiments performed by our finest peridots."

"Wow," you said looking at the gemstone. "So, when will he form?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Blue said. "But it shouldn't be long now."

"Thank you," you said.

"You're welcome," Blue said lightly patting your head. "I'm sorry, Red, but I have to now. I'll see you later."

"Bye," you said paying more attention to the gemstone in your hands than her.

You laid the gem on your cushion and stared at it. After a while, you laid down on your stomach and swung your feet in the air. You waited for hours until, finally, the gem started to flow and hover in the air.

You stared in amazement as the gem took his form. He was lanky like most pearls, but his skin was a similar complexion to the humans you saw at the zoo. He wore a teal shirt with brown pants, black boots, and large black gloves. A long, brown apron covered a fair amount of his form and a pair of goggles rested on his head. He had freckles painted all over his rosey cheeks. His hair was midnight black with a blue streak in his bangs. He opened his eyes to reveal stunning blue irises.

A smile was plastered on your face as you watched him lower to the floor. "Hello," you happily said.

"Greetings, my diamond," the pearl said saluting.

Nothing could describe the joy you felt that day. You and your pearl were together all the time. When you slept, he laid with you. When you were bored, he'd show you holograms projected from the gemstone on his head.

You tried to have conversations with him, but it wasn't so easy at first. Being a pearl, he took everything you said very literally and usually acted like a robot. He slowly got better, but it took a lot of time.

You felt bad calling him Pearl all the time, so you have him a name. You called him Varian. In return, he referred to you as (y/n) instead of "my diamond".

You loved your pearl, your Varian. You always had him near and never parted with him. You always liked to snuggle him close and places small kisses on his cheeks. It was easy for you, since you were way smaller than the other diamonds. You were really only a foot or two taller than Varian.

One requirement of a pearl was singing and dancing. Whenever he sang, you felt like you were under a siren's spell. You thought he had the most beautiful voice you ever heard. However, he wasn't quite as fond of dancing, but, due to it being a requirement of a pearl, he practiced every now and then.

One day you were watching him practice and got an idea. You shrunk your form slightly and walked up to him. He surprised at first to see you at his height. You ignored his shock and danced along side him. He just went with it and continued dancing, himself. After a while, you suddenly tripped and Varian caught you in a dip position. You both blushed as light engulfed the two of you.

You opened your eyes to see you were part of a different form. You had fused. Suddenly, the door to your room opened. You heard a gasp and unfused. You and Varian loaded on the floor with a thud.

"Red!" Yellow and Blue exclaimed storming into the room. "What is the meaning of this?! You fused with a pearl?!"

"No!" you exclaimed. "I mean yes, but-"

"This is unacceptable!" Yellow exclaimed shooting her energy at Varian, trying to poof him. You quickly picked him up and pulled him out of the way.

"It was just an accident!" you said. "It won't happen again."

"It's too late, Red," Blue said. "He must be replaced immediately."

You panicked for a moment before you remembered the escape pod in your room. You quickly dashed for it and activated it instantly. You heard Yellow and Blue angrily heeling, but you laid no mind to them and piloted the pod.

You securely wrapped an arm around Varian. "Are you okay?" you asked. Varian just nodded still in shock over what just happened. He fused with you and nearly got replaced.

You suddenly felt the pod shake. "Oh great," you said. You were being chased by several ships.

"Be careful!" Blue yelled at the pilots. "Don't shoot them down! There's a diamond in there!"

"Hold on," you said. "I'm going to activate the thrusters." You pressed a button and held onto Varian tightly.

After being thrown all over the place in the pod, you roughly landed on a planet. You and Varian got out to see green valleys and all sorts of life.

"Where are we?" you asked.

"I'm not sure," Varian said. "It's so beau-" You were cut off as you stumbled down a hill.

"(Y/n)!" Varian exclaimed running after you.

When you stopped rolling down the hill, you came face-to-face with a small boy wearing a pink t-shirt with a star on it. Before you could say anything, Varian came topping down the hill as well and landed on top of you.

"Um, hi?" you awkwardly said to the boy.

"Hi," the boy said sounding depressed. He was sitting in front of an old pink palanquin.

"What 'cha doing?" you asked standing up.

"Thinking," the boy said flatly.

"Oh," you said. "Well, I'm Red Diamond,but you can call me (y/n). And this is Varian"

"I'm Steven," the boy said.

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