No (You and Me Pt. 4)

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You shook in fright as the two familiar ships came swooping down and passed over all of you.

"We're over here you clods!" Peridot yelled. 

Steven stepped forward in panic. "If they're not here for us, they must be here for the cluster!"

Yellow Diamond's ship slammed down on the ground, breaking through the crust. You held Varian tightly to your chest as you felt the ground quake. The whole town was in panic as Nanefau was telling them to evacuate. 

"I have to keep it calm and in its bubble!" Steven exclaimed. "But I can only connect to it if I'm asleep!"

"Asleep?" you, Varian, and Bismuth asked in confusion. 

You all crowded into the beach house as Steven laid down. The loud bangs from Yellow Diamond's ship made it impossible for Steven to sleep. 

"How am I supposed to sleep through this?!" Steven exclaimed. 

"I'm scared!" you exclaimed squeezing Varian. 

"Maybe a lullaby will help," Greg said picking up his guitar and playing a small tune. Steven fell asleep instantly. 

Barely a minute later, Steven jolted up in panic. "It popped!" he exclaimed. 

"Popped?" you said in fear. 

You all rushed outside to see a giant blob of light taking form into a giant creature. You whimpered slightly and squeezed Varian once more. 

Suddenly, the cluster attacked Yellow Diamond's ship and sent it flying away. You all gasped, especially when the large limb came closer to all of you just to give a thumbs up. 

"The cluster's in control of itself!" Steven happily exclaimed. "And it looks like it's on our side!"

The cluster and Yellow's ship immediately went into battle with each other. You all cheered for the cluster until Blue's ship passed over all of you. She landed on the beach and stood still. 

You shook slightly, and the gems summoned their weapons. 

"Wait!" Steven exclaimed. "There's no need to fight. Let me talk to her."

"Steven, wait," you said as he walked onto the beach. 

"Blue Diamond, please listen to me!" Steven said. "Pink Diamond isn't gone! She's right here! I know it might be hard to understand, but-"

"Enough!" Blue yelled throwing a ball of energy at Steven. 

You stood back in shock as you saw Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl fuse together into a monstrous fusion that caught Steven then roared. 

You suddenly saw Blue unleash her terrible attack of sadness. You felt yourself collapse to your knees in tears uncontrollably. You accidentally dropped Varian, and he fell to the sands below, unable to get up due to being taken over by Blue's grief. 

Garnet bravely came forward and distracted Blue before a barn was dropped on her. You stood back up to see a Lapis Lazuli land on the beach. 

"Lapis?!" Peridot exclaimed running up to the gem. "You're really here."

"Hey," Lapis casually said. 

You quickly made your way down to the beach, trying to get to Varian. Before you could, Blue emerged from the debris that had fallen on her. 

"Red!" she exclaimed upon seeing you. You froze and looked at her before looking back over at Varian. 

Blue followed your gaze and spotted the pearl. "You!" Blue yelled before throwing another blast at Varian. 

"No!" you exclaimed running to Varian and pushing him away. The moment you collided, you both were engulfed in light. You stood up feeling different once again. You gasped when you realized you had fused with Varian again. 

"Red!" Blue bellowed. "Unfuse this minute!"

You shook for a moment before you realized something. Blue might want to hurt Varian, but she would never hurt you. As long as you stayed fused with Varian, no harm could come to either of you. 

"No," you sternly said. 

"What?" Blue responded. 

"I said no!" you yelled. "I'm not listening to you any longer! I decide my fate! I decide who I want to be with! These gems have been a better family to me than you or Yellow ever were! I'm standing with them! I'm standing with my pearl, my Varian! I am (Fusion name)!"

"Does every gem that comes in contact with this planet turn traitor?!" Blue angrily yelled as she unleashed her sadness attack once more. You all collapsed to your knees except for Lapis. 

"I've felt worse," Lapis said before summoning chains from the ocean and holding Blue in place. 

You all recovered from Blue's attack and all placed your special attacks on her until the cluster picked up Yellow's ship and slammed it down onto Blue and her ship. 

You all celebrated for a moment until Yellow emerged from her ship and released Blue from underneath her ship. 

Peridot laughed and ran up to Yellow Diamond, trying to tell her off. Yellow just zapped Peridot and made her poof. 

Steven ran towards Yellow and tried to tell her that he was Pink Diamond. This only caused her to get angry and stomp on him. Luckily, Steven was able to summon his shield, but he was knocked out cold. You all continued to fight Yellow and Blue as Connie tried to wake Steven up. 

You and Varian struggled, not being used to your strange new form. You both began to think it was hopeless and you never could have been together anyway. You suddenly felt Steven's presence and heard him say that you both decide your own fates. You and Varian mentally smiled and came together more in harmony and fought twice as hard. 

Suddenly, everything stopped. You all looked over Steven as he woke up. He jumped at the sight. 

"It's you," Blue said in shock. "Pink."

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