He Said, She Said

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You were a princess. A very protected princess at that. Ever since you were born, your dad had been crazy protective of you on account of what happened to your older sister, Rapunzel. You tried to make the best of your situation, but it wasn't easy. Everywhere you went, a battalion of guards would follow you. If there was the slightest chance of something being dangerous, your parents would keep you as far away from it as possible. The older you got, the more annoying their protectiveness became.

On account of being shielded from everyone all your life, you didn't really have a lot of friends. The only real friend you had was Cassandra. You thought she was great and all, but you really wished you could have friends that were more around your age.

Cassandra was probably the only person in the castle that actually paid attention to your thoughts of being guarded all the time. She probably was the only one who agreed with you on it being too much.

On your thirteenth birthday, Cassandra came up with a sneaky idea. She snuck you out of the castle and disguised you as a peasant. That day felt like a breath of fresh air for you. People weren't flocking around you. Guards weren't shielding you from every little thing.

You made every minute of that day count. You saw every inch of the kingdom. You met as many people as you could. You basically did everything you could.

It was towards the end of the day when the sun was about to set that you and Cassandra came across your last stop: a small village called Old Corona. It might not have been as high class as the village just outside of the castle, but to you, it was amazing.

After being there for only a couple minutes, you heard a loud boom. You looked in the direction of a giant house and saw a boy come flying out of the front door. It appeared as though part of his hair had caught fire! He ran over to a well and wasted no time in drenching his head.

"Oh my," you said running up to him. "Are you okay?"

The boy chuckled a little. "I'm okay," he said. "I've been through worse." He looked at you with his hair all wet. It actually made you blush a little. "Oh, I don't think I've seen you around here before." He outstretched his hand. "I'm Varian."

You grasped his hand and shook it with a smile. "(Y/n)," you said.

"Hey," Varian said. "Just like the princess." You gave him an awkward look. "Wait," he said. "You mean you're the..." He quickly bowed to show respect. "Your highness."

"Shh," you said pushing him behind a building so no one would see you. "Please, don't do that. No one can know that I'm out here."

"Sorry," Varian quickly responded.

You sighed. "It's okay. Just, please, don't tell anyone."

"I promise I won't," Varian said raising his right hand. You chuckled a little until you heard Cassandra calling your name.

"I'm sorry," you said. "I have to go."

"Wait," Varian said making you pause in your tracks and turn around. "Well, uh, I just, um...I was wondering if I could, uh, s-s-see you again some time. Of course if you don't want to, I completely understand. I..." You cut him off with a hug.

"I'd love to," you said before leaving. 

Time passed, and the two of you saw each other every chance you had. You grew closer and closer as time passed. You were practically inseparable. That was, as long as no one knew. Varian was viewed as dangerous by many people. If your parents knew you were hanging out with him, they'd be sure you stayed separated.

On your fourteenth birthday, you once again snuck out of the castle to see Varian. You both met in an open field under the moonlight where Varian had arranged a candlelit dinner. He acted very nervous throughout the night, but you didn't know why. However, you got your answer when Varian asked you a serious question. That night, you received two special gifts: your first kiss and your first boyfriend.

Shh. Nobody knows. Even after Rapunzel's return, it stayed a secret. He said he was your boyfriend. You said you were his girlfriend, but the two of you were the only ones who would hear it.

Varian x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora