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You looked up from your book and over to Varian. His eyes looked like they were only halfway opened, and he looked like he was rocking back and forth a little.

"Varian?" you said putting your book down and resting your hand on his shoulder. His eyes opened completely, and he turned to look at you. "Are you okay?" you asked. "You look kind of tired."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Varian said followed by a yawn. "I don't even know why you'd get that idea." He yawned again.

You giggled a little. "For someone who's not tired, you sure are yawning a lot," you said. You noticed that he was slowly leaning forward. You rolled your eyes and slipped his book out of his hands.

"Hey," Varian lowly said. You placed a small pillow on your lap and guided his head down until he was resting on it.

"You really need rest," you said.

"I fine. I--" You suddenly heard soft snoring. Varian was out like a light.
You laughed a little, pulled a blanket over him, and sloped off his goggles. You carefully placed them on the table next to the sofa and smiled down at Varian's sleeping form.

After a few minutes, Varian started squirming in his sleep. You placed your hand on his head and softly combed through his hair with your fingers. He calmed down instantly and seemed to snuggle into you more. You smiled and continued to stroke his hair.

"(Y/n)?" you heard someone call. You turned to see Rapunzel walk into the library.

"Shh," you whispered. "He's sleeping."

Rapunzel raised a brow and stepped forward. She understood what you meant when she saw Varian's head laying in your lap. She smiled and sat in a chair not too far from you. It had been so long since she had seen Varian so calm.

"So," Rapunzel said. "You two have gotten pretty close."

"I guess you could say that," you said as you continued to stroke Varian's hair. "It's nothing really, though."

"It's definitely more than nothing," Rapunzel said. "I'm just glad he trusts someone again. If you hadn't helped him..."

"It's okay," you said. "All that matters is that it's in the past. He's in a better position now."

"But it wouldn't have been possible without you," Rapunzel said.

You simply sighed and shrugged. "I guess," you said continuing to stroke his hair.

"I'll leave you two alone," Rapunzel said getting up and exiting the library.

Once she was gone, you leaned down and planted a small kiss on Varian's forehead. "I'll never leave you, Varian," you said. "I promise."

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now