Breathe (Wait, What Pt. 4)

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You were squeezing Varian's hand as hard as possible as you cried out with pain. Luckily your cries had alerted Cassandra, who went to get a doctor, so Varian didn't have to leave your side. "Just breathe," Varian said as you continued to cry out.

"I can't!" your cried out. "I can't do this!"

"Yes, you can," Varian said. "You can do this. Just breathe. The doctor will be here any minute."

As if on cue, Cassandra came bursting through the door with the doctor. Rapunzel and Eugene tried to come in, but Cassandra made them stay out in the hall and wait.

"Okay, (y/n)," the doctor said. "Now, I need you push."

You cried out as you did as you were asked. "I can't!" you cried out.

"Come on, now," the doctor said. "Give me another push." You cried out more.

"It's okay, (y/n)," Varian said. "Just breathe. You can do this." You tried to push again and cried out.

"Okay," the doctor said. "You're doing just fine. Just give us one more push." You gave it all you had and pushed with all your might. Suddenly, the room was filled with the cries of a child.

"It's a boy," the doctor said wrapping a blanket around the newborn and handing him to Varian. "I'll be back in just a moment." He turned and left the room.

"(Y/n)," Varian said with a big smile as he walked back to your side. You sat up as he handed you your son. You let a few tears of joy escape your eyes as looked you at the boy. He looked so much like Varian. He had freckles and blue streak in his hair. The rest of his hair was the same color as yours. He started to open his eyes to show bright blue irises.

"Oh, hello, (s/n)," you said.

"(S/n)?" Varian said with a smile.

"Hope you don't mind," you said with a bit of a chuckle. "I came up with a name for him."

"Not at all," Varian said. "Quite charming actually." He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You turned your head to him with a smile before pecking his lips. You both looked down at your son with looks of adoration.

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