SEVENTEEN: The8/ Hoshi- Ex's and Ohs

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This imagine's dedicated to @Dollie_Beastie. Thank you for requesting! ^^
*Before SEVENTEEN's Debut*
"I can't date you anymore." Minghao refuses to meet your shocked gaze as he stares intently at his full mug of coffee.
The sip of your drink suddenly turns cold in your mouth and you begin to choke at his statement.
Minghao makes no move to help you and you finally recover after a few painful moments.
You knew something was wrong when he started avoiding your calls and texts, and evaded meeting up with you on days you knew he was free.
"I need to focus on my career. I'm so close, (Y/n)." Minghao glances up and there's a spark in his eyes that wasn't there before. "Management says I'll debut next year if I work hard enough."
You push your mug away and sit back, glaring fiercely at him. "So you think I'm just a distraction and I'll get in the way of your claim to fame."
He starts to deny your words, but you scoff and slide out of the booth without looking at him.
"Two years and you just throw our relationship away." You grab your phone and turn away from him, blinking rapidly to try and clear your blurry vision. "I hope it's worth it, Minghao."
*Current Day*
You were dropping food off to Soonyoung's- your boyfriend- group that was practicing for a comeback.
You had recently started dating Soonyoung a couple months ago and haven't had the chance to meet the rest of his group.
You open the door to SEVENTEEN's practice room and peek through the small opening, making sure you weren't interrupting something important.
All 13 members were spread around the room. Some were crammed together on a leather couch, while others were leaning against the wall, and then there were two people who were lying starfish-style in the middle of the floor.
"Soonyoung! I have food!" You announced as you open the door completely and stroll towards him and a couple other boys sitting on the couch.
Soonyoung stands up and envelops you in a brief, tight hug before he says, "guys! I'd like you to meet-"
"(Y/n)?" A boy with curly brown hair steps forward with a huge grin on his face.
You politely smile back. "I'm sorry? Do I know you?"
His smile doesn't fade and he lets out a small chuckle. "It's me, Minghao."
"You two know each other?" Soonyoung asks curiously, casually resting a hand on your arm.
You take a small step backwards; directly into Soonyoung's chest and mutter under your breath, "Minghao's my ex boyfriend."
"Minghao's your ex boyfriend?!" Soonyoung exclaims in shock as all the blood drains from his face.
Immediately, all eyes in the room center directly on you.
Way to make an impression, (Y/n).
The younger members of SEVENTEEN managed to convince you to stay through the practice until it was time for SEVENTEEN to go back to their dorm.
You and Minghao were the last to leave the room and after Soonyoung disappears around the corner, Minghao grabs your arm and allows the door to swing shut.
"We need to talk," he states firmly.
"No, we don't." You move towards the door but he tightens his grip on your arm.
Minghao ignores your words and softly admits, "I'm still in love with you."
You attempt to pull away from him, but he holds tight to you. "Don't do this, Minghao."
He reaches out and cups your cheek. "I made a horrible mistake by letting you go." His face is centimeters from yours and for some reason, you can't seem to push him away.
"(Y/n)?" Soonyoung strolls into the room and stops suddenly with his gaze locked on Minghao. "Minghao, what're you doing?" His tone has a hard edge to it and his eyes flash with anger.
Minghao releases his grasp, and takes a step back, turning towards Soonyoung. "I'm sorry, but I had (Y/n) first. We're meant to be together."
Soonyoung's eyes widen like he was just punched and he looks over at you. "Do you still love Minghao?"
"Soonyoung, I-" You take a step towards him, but he frantically backpedals away from you.
"Answer the question, (Y/n)," he demands.
"No, I don't love him."
You hear Minghao sharply inhale.
"(Y/n)..." Minghao trails off and you pivot to face him.
"You gave me up for your career, remember? I've moved on, you should do the same. I love Soonyoung."
Minghao stares at you sadly for a second then walks out without another word.
You watch him go, but turn around when you hear Soonyoung ask, "do you mean it?"
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Mean what?"
"That you love me. It's the first time you've said it since we started dating."
Despite the confrontation that just happened, Soonyoung is smiling broadly.
"Of course I love you." You laugh slightly.
"You said it again!" He giggles and quickly wraps you in his arms, peppering your face with kisses. "I love you too."

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