SMROOKIES: Yuta- In Or Out?

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This imagine's dedicated to @kruti111. Thank you for requesting! ^^
A/n: It was almost painful for me to write Ten as the gang leader. He's so sweet, it's almost impossible to imagine him as a bad guy.
*His Pov*
Bang! Bang!
I drop to the ground as soon as the man pulls the trigger of the double-barrel shotgun. I swiftly scramble to my feet once two bullets whiz overhead and resume running.
The only perk of being shot at by someone who has a double-barrel shotgun is that they only have two shots before they have to reload.
I sprint down the dimly-lit street and launch myself around the corner of a building as two more shots whisk by me. I nearly collide with a girl in my haste not to get shot.
A girl? What's she doing out at two in the morning? She's going to get hurt because of me!
Multiple thoughts race through my mind before I harshly grab her wrist and yank her behind me as I continue to run.
"Hey!" She protests loudly, attempting to break my grip on her. "Hey!"
She's going to lead him right to us.
I spin around her and clamp a hand over her mouth as I hurl myself into a shadow-filled alleyway.
"You need to be quiet!" I hiss in her ear as she struggles against me.
Two gunshots ring out in the otherwise silent night and the girl goes limp in my arms, her breaths frequent and shallow.
"I'm trying to keep us both alive, and that will happen if you stay silent." I murmur while hesitantly removing my hand from her mouth, expecting her to scream.
A few moments pass and the girl's still quiet.
I shift her off of me and slowly crouch close to the alley wall, trying to see the other gang member.
"No!" The girl shrieks in a hushed voice. "Don't leave me." Her hand shoots out and tightly clutches the back of my jacket.
"Hey!" I whisper-shout, twisting around to yank her hand off of me. "Listen." I stare sternly into her frightened eyes. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)," she whimpers.
"I'm Yuta. I promise, you'll live. I'll protect you with my life. Do you trust me?"
She pauses then replies honestly, "not really. But I guess you'll have to do."
*One Year Later*
I never thought I would have a domestic life, especially with the choices I made early on.
All in a single year: I've fallen in love, bought a house, and landed a danger-free job.
(Y/n). My one true love who made me give up my old life without any hesitation, and a girl I would protect with my life. I will never drag her into the gang life, not if I have a say in it.
But for me, there is no way out. Once you're in the gang, you can't get out.
*Your Pov*
You were cooking dinner in your kitchen when you hear your phone begin to ring.
"Hello?" You wedge the phone in between your shoulder and your ear as you continue to cook.
"(Y/n)," a man states. "What's for dinner? Is that pasta? Yum."
Your mouth falls open while you instantly tense up. Your food is forgotten as you grip your phone tightly. "Who is this?" You demand.
"Call me Ten," he chuckles. "I want you to tell Yuta something for me. It has to be these exact words." Ten pauses. "Grab that notepad and pen to your right. I don't want you to forget."
You glance at the uncovered window that displays the entire kitchen from the garden. You swiftly pull the curtain over the glass before striding back over to the counter.
Ten laughs loudly but doesn't elaborate why. "Tell Yuta this; Miss me, Nakamoto?
It's me, Ten. And haven't you been a pain in the butt to track down... Well, you were trained by the best."
You quickly scratch down his words, the sickening sense of dread growing in your stomach by the second.
"Meet me at our old trading spot.
Also, don't think about running with your little girly-friend. I have 24-hour surveillance on your house. It's in your best interest to meet me, or Miss (Y/l/n) might suffer a little-" he takes a breath before cackling, "-accident.
That's all for the letter, Miss (Y/l/n)."
By now, your hand that's gripping the pen is shaking so badly, you can barely read your own handwriting.
"Tell Nakamoto he has 48 hours to meet me. Tick, tock." He exhales noisily, causing the hair on your arms to raise. "Enjoy your dinner and sleep well, Miss (Y/l/n). Remember, we're always watching. One wrong move is all it takes. Goodnight."
The line goes dead and your hand goes limp; the phone slipping out of your grasp.
Then you scream.
Five minutes later, Yuta had managed to calm you down enough to talk. "Who's Ten and why does he want you to meet him at your old trading place?"
Yuta freezes as soon as you utter the name "Ten."
He shakes his head and blinks forcefully. "It's just... A friend playing a prank. Nothing to worry about."
Yuta gently slides an arm around your waist and helps you to your feet. "I'm sorry he scared you." He brushes his lips across your temple and you lean into his embrace for a moment. "Why don't you head up to bed? I'll be up soon." His sparkling eyes are dimmed slightly with barely concealed worry.
You break away from his grasp and begin trudging up the stairs, looking at Yuta in your peripheral vision.
He shifts with a almost pain-filled expression on his face. "(Y/n)?" Yuta hesitantly calls out.
"Hm?" You respond quietly as you partly turn to face him.
"You know that I love you a lot, right?"
You briefly smile. "Of course, and I love you too."
He nods curtly and turns his back to you then repeats, "I'll be up soon."
*Two Years Later*
I should have told you more about my past when we first starting dating, but I was selfish and still ended up dragging you down with me.
I'm a part of a gang and the man who spoke to you was the leader.
I left without any explanation to him or my gang because I knew they wouldn't let me leave willingly.
I'm going to deal with Ten, but I don't know how long I'll be gone. All I ask is that you wait for me, whether it's hours, days, or years.
I vowed to protect you and I will follow through with my promise.
I love you to the moon and back.
This is the note you've read everyday since the morning after the creepy phone call. You had woken to find a cold bed and a handwritten note that was laying on the kitchen counter.
You glance at the clock- immediately noticing you were late- and slip on your shoes before swiftly standing up.
You stride over to the door and open it, revealing a man in your path.
"May I help you?" You pause in your rush to study the man.
He slowly lifts his head up and meets your gaze steadily. "(Y/n)."
The fact that he's actually here with you, has rooted you to the ground in shock.
He hesitates for a second before carefully enveloping you in a hug. "I'm out of the gang, for good."
You pull away slightly to look up at him. "You were gone for two years."
"I know," Yuta sighs as small tears start to form in his eyes. "I didn't want you to get hurt."
You bury your face in his chest and mumble, "you better not leave me again."
He laughs quietly and tightens his arms around you. "You'll be lucky if I let you out of my sight."

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