ASTRO: Moonbin- It's Raining Baristas

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This imagine's dedicated to @AutumnLeaves_Fire. Thank you for requesting! ^^
(Y/f/d)- Your favorite drink
"(Y/n)? Are you seriously going to get coffee with this weather?" (Y/f/n) asks as you slip your shoes on.
A subdued clap of thunder follows her question as if agreeing that it wasn't a good idea.
You spent the night at her house, but you wanted to go to your favorite café to get your usual coffee to fulfill your caffeine craving.
"Yep." You open the door and flash her a reassuring smile.
"At least take an umbrel-"
You close the door and make a mad dash to your car, fumbling with your keys until you finally hit the unlock button. You collapse into the drivers seat with a sigh of relief, already drenched after only being out in the relentless rain for about a minute.
You start the car, even more determined to get your coffee now that you're cold.
*At the Café*
You mentally prepare yourself as you sit in your car in the café's parking lot. You open the door and sprint towards the entrance.
You're almost to the sidewalk, then you suddenly feel the rainfall cease to hit your head and shoulders.
You look up and see the fabric of a black umbrella. You spot a hand gripping the handle and your gaze falls on the handsome man who's holding it.
He frowns, yet there isn't any anger behind it. "You're going to catch a cold." He lightly rests his hand on your waist while leading the way into the shelter of the café.
He holds the door open and you dart inside. He closes the umbrella and shakes it off, glancing up to smile sweetly at you. "I'm Moonbin. Would you like to have some coffee with me?"
He walks over to a table in the basically empty café, draping his jacket over the back of one of the chairs.
You sit down in the other chair, but Moonbin remains standing.
"What would you like?" He asks as he strolls behind the counter, casually grabbing an apron and tying it around his waist.
"Um, (Y/f/d)."
The other worker glances up from his phone, but goes back to scrolling when he sees who it is.
"Moonbin, what're you doing?" Your tone shows how surprised you are and he looks up for a second.
He chuckles, "it's okay. I used to work here before I got another job." He quickly makes your drink and playfully calls out, "(Y/n)!"
You roll your eyes while standing up and walk over to the counter. You reach for your drink, but he picks it up and sets it on the opposite counter.
"I'm not sure you're (Y/n)," he stares at you with a mock suspicious expression. "I'll need some way to identify you... Like a phone number. Or better yet, you can accept mine." He ducks behind the expresso machine before you can see him blushing, but you hear an embarrassed giggle.
You pull the paper off of a disposable straw; scribbling your number on the paper, then slide it across the counter.
His hand slowly reaches out as he grabs it.
The scrap of paper also disappears behind the expresso machine, followed by another giggle.
"May I have my drink now?" You suppress a laugh.
"Yes," he peeks out from behind the machine to hand you your drink. "And you can have a complimentary date to go with it."
You take a sip of your drink, hiding your grin behind the lid. "I'd like that."
"I would too."

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