DAY6: Jae- Congratulations

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This is a song imagine, italics are flashbacks and bold words are song lyrics. If some words are in italics and are also bolded, those are thoughts.
A/N: This imagine is based off the song Congratulations by DAY6.
Now you won't even pick up my calls
Instead of you, I hear a dull voice
There are always hard days
But you can't win over that moment and you look for an alternative
I dial the familiar numbers, holding my breath as I hear the phone ring; hoping and praying that she'll pick the phone up. The call rolls over to voicemail, the same boring voicemail I've listen to for the thirteenth time today. It's been like this everyday for the passed month.
Let's take some time
When I heard that
I understood it exactly as it sounded
That we should take some time
"I-I think we need a break." Her voice cracks as a single tear runs down her cheek after our most recent fight.
"Fine." I angrily spit out the word as I throw my arm towards the door, not looking at her.
I hear her trudge over to the door, and the creaking of the door opening.
Not knowing how much it's going to hurt when she walks out.
Congratulations, you're so amazing
Congratulations, how could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me?
I see you smiling face, I guess you forgot everything
I pass her on the street, walking home from the library. She's clinging onto a guy's arm while laughing loudly.
My eyes widen in recognition and her eyes finally lock with mine.
The smile slides off her face as her mouth opens in a silent gasp.
I try to muster up a glare, but can't. My lip starts to tremble and I look down at the cracked concrete, knowing if I look up again; I'll start crying. I take two deep breaths and quicken my steps, wanting get away from her; but at the same time, wanting to go to her.
When you said let's take some time
When you said let's think about it
You looked into my eyes and made me believe you
Like this
I make it around the corner of the block before I break down in chest-aching sobs.
How could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me?
I see your smiling face as you completely forget about me
As you're being so happy
Ten minutes pass before my sobs have died down to sniffles. I set off for my house, just wanting to dive under the safely of my covers while blocking out the rest of the world. The only problem with walking in silence, is that you're alone with your thoughts.
How is he? Is he better than me?
Did he erase all your memories about me?
Yes, your happiness is all that matters
No, I'm not gonna tell a lie like that
Why should I wish you happiness
When you're the one who left me?
I don't give a
I know I should feel happy for her but it's been a month and she's already replaced me, like I was just a broken toy that she was returning. Would it have hurt her that much to pick up the phone and called? Instead of leaving me in suspense, hoping she would come back to me.
Congratulations, you're so amazing
Congratulations, how could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me?
I see you smiling face, I guess you forgot everything
As I lumber towards my house I pass by the places I took her on dates. The movies where we had a popcorn fight during the previews before getting thrown out by security. The apple tree in the park where I confessed.
I can barely breathe as I choke, like the happy memories are suffocating me.
I bet she's never had this problem.
When you said let's take some time
When you said let's think about it
You looked into my eyes and made me believe you
Like this
We're playing Mario Kart, I'm in the lead and she's trailing behind.
"I'm totally going to beat you!" I exclaim with a smirk.
She shoots me a glare and sets her controller down and grabs a pillow.
"Yah, what're you do-" I'm cut off as she tackles me and repeatedly whacks me with the pillow.
"Don't. Be. So. Arrogant!" She hits me with the pillow to emphasize her words.
How could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me?
I see your smiling face as you completely forget about me
As you're being so happy
I reach my house and grab my keys, opening the door slowly. As if waiting for her to appear out of nowhere, smiling and greet me like she used to do.
She probably does that to her new boyfriend now.
Seriously wow girl congratulations
It didn't take you long, you're such a hotshot
Huh, I saw your picture on the Internet
Are you that happy? Your smile goes up to your ears
For me, my heart still hurts every time I breathe
But it's good that you'll never be in pain
Because even if you break up with him
You'll just start a new love again
I stumble to my bedroom and unknowingly grab the dusty memories box we put together.
I flip through photo after photo, us smiling and laughing. Not knowing what the future would bring.
Congratulations, how could you do this?
Congratulations, you won't ever come back to me
I don't even expect it
I don't know how well you'll live without me
I grasp my phone and open Instagram. I look up her username and immediately see, "In a relationship with Wooshin." I feel pieces of my heart crack and break as I scroll through her pictures of her and her new boyfriend.
When you said let's take some time
When you said let's think about it
You trapped me inside this waiting
And only you are free
My hand tightens around the phone and I let out a scream as I hurl my phone at the wall.
Before my phone touches the wall, I'm already sobbing.
I love her, so much it hurts. But she doesn't even care, doesn't care about our happy memories, or how happy we were.
What happened to taking a break?
Leave me
Go to him
As if a guy like me never existed
You've fallen in love
Sorry if any of your bias's are UP10TION's member Wooshin. I just couldn't think of a name. (He's one of my bias's.)

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