SEVENTEEN: Hoshi- Are We There Yet?

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You just got out of the shower and put your pajamas on, now you're drying your wet hair. You always blast music when you're taking a shower and go over to the speakers to turn them off.
"(Y/n)!" You hear somebody whisper-shout once you turn the speakers off and you freeze.
"(Y/n)!" This time it's followed by a sharp knock on your bedroom window.
You scream and fall backwards onto your bed, scrambling to get away from the window.
"(Y/n)! It's me, Soonyoung!"
"Mwo?! Soonyoung! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You shout.
"Keep your voice down!" He hisses.
You glare at the window, but can't intimidate him because the curtains are covering it. You stomp over to the window and slide the curtains open then unlock the window so he can climb inside.
He flashes you a bright grin before he squeezes through the window. He lands very ungracefully on his stomach with a grunt. He climbs to his feet and brushes some dust off of his shirt.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, not exactly happy. You're standing with your arms crossed and a frown on your face.
He smiles which falters once he sees how unhappy you are. He pouts. "I-I never see you anymore..." He trails off, staring at the ground with an upset expression on his face.
Your frown dissolves once you realize that he was only trying to spend time with you. You exhale and walk over to where he's standing then wrap your arms around him.
He returns the hug by pressing his face into your neck and inhaling.
You giggle. "That tickles."
He exhales heavily, pressing you closer to his chest. "Can we go out?" He asks, his voice muffled by your hair.
"Okay. But my parents can't find out." You warn as you grab some clothes and head into your bathroom to change.
*8 Minutes Later*
"Just jump!" He calls, holding his arms open.
"Uh..." You hesitate, clinging onto the edge of the window.
"Come on!"
You take a deep breath, then let go. You free-fall for a moment before Soonyoung's arms wrap securely around your waist, making sure you don't hit the ground.
He gently sets you down and grins, ruffling your hair. "See? That wasn't so bad."
You huff as you try to fix your messy hair.
He grabs your hand and you're about to sneak out the backyard, then the porch light flicks on.
Your eyes widen in surprise. "Oh no." You breath.
Soonyoung immediately breaks out in a run, pulling you behind him.
You dart out into the street and hide behind your neighbors car.
You glance over at Soonyoung while keeping an eye on your house.
He laughs at your terrified/surprised expression.
You stay like that for about 5 minutes with only crickets and Soonyoung's humming version of Check Yes Juliet to fill the silence.
"I think we're okay now." He whispers, grasping your hand again and pulling you to your feet.
You walk over his car and get in. "Where are we going?" You ask curiously as you buckle your seatbelt.
"Somewhere." He grins, starting the car.
*About 20 Minutes Later*
"Are we there yet?" You whine. "My arms hurt! Can I uncover my eyes now?"
"Will you be patient?! We're almost there!" He exclaims.
A few more minutes pass extremely slowly and finally he tells you to look.
You immediately gasp, taking in the sunset. You hear him chuckle at your expression but don't turn to look at him.
He parked the car right on the edge of a cliff, hanging over the water so you could get the best view of the sky. It was a mixture of red, yellow and purple, blending together perfectly. The waves lap softly against the rocks and the faint cries of seabirds echo around you.
You tear your eyes away from the view and grin at Soonyoung. "Kanshaminda." You smile. "For dragging me out of my house."
He laughs. "Well somebody had to do it." He unbuckles his seatbelt and does the same to yours. "Come cuddle." He demands, holding his arms open.
You giggle and lean into his chest, feeling his strong heartbeat through his shirt. You inhale his familiar smell and curl closer to him while yawning.
"Go to sleep. I'm not going anywhere." He chuckles lightly as he strokes your hair.
You yawn again. "Promise?"
"Promise." He kisses your temple.
You slowly drift off to sleep, knowing he would be there when you woke up.

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