UP10TION: Wooshin- Glow in the Dark Disaster

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This imagine is dedicated to Wooshin's birthday, with a little Halloween spin on it. ^^
"Will you hold still?!" You exclaim as you try to smear the glow-in-the-dark paint on Wooshin's face.
"But I want to go trick-or-treating now!" He whines, fidgeting in his chair.
"They won't give you candy unless you have a costume, now hold still!" You apply paint to his left cheek.
He pouts and you turn away to get more paint.
While you're turned away, Wooshin smirks and grabs another tube of the glow-in-the-dark paint, which is about the size of a tube of toothpaste.
You turn back around and say. "Once I'm done with your other cheek, we can go-"
He squirts the paint all over your face and the front side of your black shirt.
"Wooshin!" You shout as he jumps up from his chair and tries to run out of the room.
You grab the other tube and squeeze it, spraying paint all over Wooshin.
Instead of getting mad, he laughs and hugs you, making more of a mess.
"(Y/n)!" He suddenly exclaims. "We can go scare people now!"
"I thought you wanted to go trick-or-treating?" You reply, raising one eyebrow.
"But this will be more fun!" He yells.
"Fine." You sigh.
*15 Minutes Later*
"Shhh." Wooshin whispers as you two crouch behind a big bush in someone's front lawn. "I hear somebody."
You hear multiple giggles from little girls that are coming up the path.
"Wooshin," you say nervously. "I don't know if we should be doing-"
He jumps out and yells. "Arrghh!"
The group of girls scream and drop their candy, running away from Wooshin.
He starts laughing. "(Y/n)! Did you see that?! Their faces were so fun-"
"There he is!" You hear a little girl say, pointing at Wooshin. "He's the one who scared us!"
"Oh no..." Wooshin exhales, staring at a man that's built like a football player- most likely the girl's appa.
"(Y/n)..." Wooshin begins.
"Run." He lunges for your hand and drags you through the the stranger's backyard, the man chasing you two while yelling.
Finally you manage to lose the angry appa and stand on a dimly lit street, panting.
"That was fun." He declares. "Do you want to go scare some other people?"
"I don't know-" you begin, then see his hopeful, brightly glowing face. "Sure," you sigh. "I love being chased by angry appas."

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