EXO: Chen- Group Chat Challenge

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This imagine's dedicated to @--DayDreams--. Thank you for requesting! ^^
'EXO9, wants to video chat. Do you accept?' The blinking message flashes on your phone screen as you lie on your bed, scrolling through Tumblr.
A grin forms on your face and you quickly hit the box marked 'yes.'
Nine separate boxes with the nine members of EXO's smiling faces fill the screen, and in the top left corner, you see your grinning face.
"(Y/n)!" They all scream in unison.
"EXO!" You mock–scream back, trying your best to sound like a frantic fangirl.
There's a second of silence, then you all burst out laughing.
"It's been too long since we talked," as you state this to the entire group, your eyes always seemed to focus back on one particular member.
They nod in agreement, some nods later than the others due to the lagging of the chat.
"Are we going to do the "Group Chat Challenge"?" Chanyeol addresses you, but everyone else replies.
"Of course we are, Yeollie. When have we not done it?" Baekhyun singles out the tall man, and Chanyeol pouts slightly.
"I was just asking," Chanyeol mumbles, hurt obvious in his tone of voice.
Baekhyun's eyes imperceptibly widen and he hastily tried to mend the situation. "Mian, Yeollie. Saranghae!" He blows a kiss at Chanyeol and an immediate grin replaces Chanyeol's pout.
"Saranghae, Baek," Chanyeol rumbles with his deep voice.
"Now that the lovely BaekYeol couple has made up, let's talk about something more interesting," Jongdae announces.
"Like what? Your love life?" Sehun snorts with a smirk, earning a glare from Jongdae as he tries to cover his red cheeks.
"We're not dating!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol shout in unison.
"Sure..." You mumble under your breath, yet loud enough for everyone to hear.
Baekhyun starts to reply, but Suho practically yells.
"We're been in this video chat for less than five minutes! (Y/n), please stop antagonizing Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Sehun respect your hyungs. If you can't behave, I will make you leave the chat. Does everybody understand?"
Everyone- including you- grumbles a "yes."
"Let's talk about the "Group Chat Challenge"." Xiumin wisely changes the subject before fights break out. "The person who stays in the chat the longest gets... What?"
"Their own room!" Kyungsoo immediately exclaims. "Or at least a new roommate." He shoots a glare a Chanyeol, who shrinks back in terror. "Jongin, want to be my new roomie?"
"Aniyo! You can't kick Chanyeol out of your room, Kyungsoo," Suho states with a heavy sigh.
"It's fine!" Baekhyun chimes in. "Chanyeol can stay with me!"
"Hajima!" Suho shouts. "Nobody's changing rooms. Baekhyun, Kyungsoo get out of the group chat. You're done."
"But-" Baekhyun starts to protest, only to be silenced by a piercing glare from Suho.
"I will take your phone if you don't leave the chat," Suho threatens. "You're right next door."
Soon after Baekhyun and Kyungsoo leave, Chanyeol and Jongin follow suit, leaving only five members left.
One by one, the rest of the members leave until it's only you and the member you can't seem to stop staring at.
"What do you want to talk about?" Jongdae breaks the silence after the last member, Suho, exits the chat.
You chew on your lower lip as you think. You get an idea and ask, "Jongdae? What did Sehun mean when he mentioned your love life?"
Panic flashes across his face and he mutters something in Chinese.
"Jongdae?" You prompt. "Are you going to tell me?"
He looks away from your gaze, running a hand through his silky-looking hair.
You cross your fingers, silently hoping that he'll confess, while you try to keep a neutral expression.
"I-I like you, a lot," he exhales after a few moments of silence.
An even longer amount of silence follows the previous one as you gape at him.
He closes his eyes, slowly shaking his head. "I knew it. I'm going to go," he states in a flat, yet quiet voice as he tries to hide his sadness. "I'll-I'll see you... Later, (Y/n)."
"I like-"
He presses the end call button before you could finish your sentence.
You stare at the dark screen for a couple seconds, then frantically dial his number.
It immediately rolls over to voicemail and you take a deep breath before you hear the short beep. "Kim Jongdae. I like you too. Jebal, call me back, jebal." You shakily end the call and you clutch the phone to your chest, hoping for it to vibrate.
Five minutes pass, then twenty, then an hour goes by until you're on the verge of falling asleep, around two in the morning.
A buzzing noise jerks you awake and you suddenly sit up, shaking the sleep off of you as you press 'answer.'
"You like me back," Jongdae's scratchy voice states, as if he's been crying.
"Of course, I've always have," you reply almost breathlessly, even though you've been lying down for the past couple of hours.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks softly.
There was a tightness in your chest, like you were afraid that since you didn't confess earlier, Jongdae wouldn't want to be with you. It was childish and yet you feel completely relieved that he spoke those words.
"I would love to." Your certain reply seems to relieve Jongdae, as he sighs like he's been holding his breath.
"Gomawo, for calling me back," he chuckles slightly. "I know I can't live without you."

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