SEVENTEEN: Jun- Chemistry

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This imagine's dedicated to @exozhangyixing8. Thank you for requesting! ^^
You were walking in the hallway, your nose buried in your Biology textbook. You completely forgot that today was the big chapter test, despite the reminders from your teacher. Because of this, you were frantically trying to cram all the information from the chapter into your brain.
You turned a corner without looking up, only to find yourself sitting on the ground after bumping into someone.
You look up at the obstacle in your way.
"Are you okay?" The school's bad boy; Wen Junhui, asks, actually sounding concerned.
Your eyes widened in fear and surprise when he kneels down and picks up the fallen books you were carrying.
"You need to be more careful." He's scolds gently while he helps you to your feet with his free arm.
"Mian." You mumble, ducking your head as you try to grab the books from his arms.
"I'll carry them." He states while holding them out of your reach.
You pause for a moment then say the question that has been bugging you ever since you bumped into each other. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
A look of sadness crosses his face, but is quickly replaced with a blank expression. "I don't have a reason to be mean to you."
You frown slightly in confusion.
He purposely starts fights even if he isn't provoked. He didn't have a reason to be angry. But, then again... maybe they did provoke him.
He starts off down the hall, heading in the direction of your Biology classroom.
"How do you know what my next class is?" You ask, partly out of breath in an effort to keep up with his long strides.
He only smirks at you as an answer.
He stops just outside the door and hands you your books. "Good luck, (Y/n)." He smiles genuinely.
"G-gomwao." You stutter as you grasp the books.
He's still for a moment, then gently grabs your chin, forcing your eyes to meet his glittering ones. "This will help you." He murmurs before lightly pressing his soft lips to yours.
You jump a little in surprise, but all Junhui does is pull you closer to his body.
You start to kiss back, only breaking the kiss for one or two seconds to breathe then returning your lips to his.
Your Biology teacher clears his throat in the doorway. "Miss. (Yl/n), this is Biology not Chemistry. Get to your seat."
Your cheeks immediately flush but Junhui keeps a tight hold on you while glaring at your teacher. Junhui glances at you, his gaze softening and whispers, "I'll be waiting after class." He pecks your cheek and pushes you into the classroom.
"Remember!" Junhui shouts before you teacher shuts the door. "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!"

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