BTOB: Minhyuk- Electric Love

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This imagine's dedicated to @WickedOnes4. Thank you for requesting! ^^
Demigod- A mythological being who is part God, part human. A child of God and a mortal who has more power than the mortal, but less power than a God.
"Just leave me alone!" You whimper, backing against the brick wall while the man smirks.
"You're too pretty, I'm not going to give you up so easily," He chuckles darkly, gripping your chin in his rough hands.
A black–haired boy around your age ducks into your field of vision, an expression of pure fury darkening his handsome face.
"I'll take your silence as a 'yes'."The man states; oblivious to the boy while pinning you to the wall as he tries to grope you through your shirt.
A desperate sob bubbles up out of your throat as you try to push him away.
He moves one of his hands to your throat, cutting off your air supply; his other hand sliding underneath the fabric of your shirt.
Just as your vision starts to fade from the lack of oxygen, the black–haired boy yanks your assaulter off of you.
"Close your eyes!" The boy shouts, punching the man directly in the face to stun him.
You don't know why you follow the boy's orders –maybe it was the way he looked at you, like he was afraid that you get hurt; or it might have been because he stepped in to help you. You immediately cover your eyes, but are still startled by the bright flash of light followed by an overpowering smell like overcooked chicken. You open your eyes when you hear a loud shriek– full of pain and horror. You gasp while your gaze locks onto your attacker, him writhing on the ground and screaming with pain. His skin had patches of burns, almost everywhere on his body and his hair was lying in clumps next to his thrashing head.
"If you ever lay a hand on her. I will roast you live, do you understand?" The boy growls, sparks flickering on his fingertips.
The man whimpers, little patterns of red starting to materialize on his skin where the horrible burns aren't.
"Are you okay?" Your handsome rescuer asks, suddenly appearing in front of you with concern written all over his face.
Your stiff head responds on its own as you look past him, your gaze on the strangely fascinating designs that are covering some of the man's body.
"I'm Minhyuk." He states softly, reaching out to help you to your feet.
"(Y/n)." You reply, barely even registering his name. "What are those designs?" You question, unable to suppress your curiosity.
A slight smile forms on his lips. "They're Litchenberg figures, they will disappear in a few hours. The lightning wasn't powerful enough to stop his heart or to make the patterns permanent," he explains casually; like he's talking about tonight's forecast.
"How-how do you know that?" You ask cautiously, slightly inching away from him.
He grins, moving his hand so it's in front of your face. "Watch."
Sparks of blue and red dance on his fingers, quickly moving to his palm when he lays his hand flat. He chuckles quietly at your astounded expression. "This is nothing." Two seconds later after his statement, he snaps his wrist towards an overflowing trashcan.
The can bursts into flames as soon as the sparks make contact then thunder booms across the sky, making Minhyuk's confident attitude shift into a sulking one.
"What is it?" You giggle.
"My dad said I shouldn't show off." He pouts, extinguishing the glittering sparks.
"Your-your dad?" You ask, looking around for another man.
He points to the sky. "I got these powers somewhere. I'm a Demigod, son of Zeus to be exact." He smiles smugly.
Your eyes widen before you burst into laughter. "You expect me to believe that?!"
His eyebrow twitches in annoyance then he snaps his fingers. A bolt of lightning touches the ground a few feet away from you. You were a safe distance away, but could still feel your skin prickle uncomfortably at the electricity.
"Do you believe me now?" He demands curtly, his tone of voice making it clear that arguing with him would be pointless.
You chew your lip, slightly stunned at what you just witnessed. "I'm afraid to argue, I don't want to be electrocuted."
He snickers, shaking his head to move the hair out of his eyes. He steps forward until your lips are centimeters apart, then whispers, "you don't have to be afraid of me, even though my kisses are just as electrifying as my lightning."
Against your will, your lips quirk up into a smile. You somehow feel comfortable with the small distance between you two.
"That's something I'd like to find out," you murmur, staring at his barely parted lips.
He leans in, quickly pecking your lips, literally sending a jolt of electricity up from your toes to your head.
"Mian." He smiles sheepishly, pulling back so you can recover. "That's something I need to learn how to control."
"Practice makes perfect." You mumble, grabbing his shirt and pulling his lips back to yours.

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