Got7: BamBam- Go Home

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You wake up to a steady pinging on your bedroom window. You yawn while rubbing your eyes then glance over at your alarm clock. It's 12:43.
Who's that? You ask yourself as you climb out of your bed and creep towards the window.
The pinging gets louder as pebbles bounce off of the glass until it turns into a loud crash as a large rock smashes through your window.
"What that hell?!" You exclaim, jumping back so you don't get hit by the shards of glass or the huge rock.
You carefully pick your way around the pieces of glass until you reach the window and peek out.
"Hey (Y/n)." BamBam grins sheepishly as he scratches the back of his neck. "Mianhae about the window."
"BamBam." You groan. "What're you doing here?! It's 12:30!"
He pouts, crossing his arms as he juts his lower lip out. "I missed you." He gives you his puppy eyes, knowing you can't be mad at him while he makes this face.
"Hajima. Go home." You move to shut the window then realize you can't. You pull your curtains over the hole to try and block the breeze drifting in.
"Ugh." You groan as you eye the broken window. How am I going to explain this to my parents?!
"(Y/n)!" BamBam whines. "I walked all the way over here! The least you can do is let me in!"
"Stop yelling!" You hiss, glancing in the direction of you parent's room. "My parents are home and they can't see you here!"
"(Y/n)!" He cries, his response slightly muffled by the curtains.
"Fine!" You grumble. "But you're going to have to climb in through the window. "
*10 Minutes Later*
"You're warm." You mumble, pressing your back into his chest.
"I know." He laughs.
You roll your eyes.
A comfortable silence settles in the room like a blanket.
"You realize you're going to have to leave before my parents get up, right?"
He sighs heavily, his breath warm on the back of your neck. "Ne." His tone shows how reluctant he is to say that. "I just wanna cuddle with you forever." He states.
The comfortable silence settles again and you find yourself drifting off to sleep with his body heat to keep you warm.
*In The Morning*
"(Y/n)! Breakfast is ready! Wake up!" Your Umma knocks on the closed door, making you jump.
"BamBam!" You hiss, shoving his shoulder to wake him up.
"Five more minutes." He sighs, burrowing deeper underneath the covers.
"(Y/n)!" Your Umma yells.
"Just a minute!" You reply, on the verge of a panic attack.
The door slowly starts to creep open and you quickly shove BamBam off the side of the bed so he's hidden from your Umma's view.
"Breakfast's ready." Your Umma pokes her head in and smiles. "Come down."
"N-ne." You stutter. "I'll-I'll be down in a second." You stammer.
"Okay." She closes the door and you sigh in relief.
"I know you didn't want your Umma to see me, but did you really have to shove me off of the bed?" BamBam's muffled voice comes from the side of the bed.
"Mianhae, but you refused to get up." You state.
He stands up. "I should leave." He declares. He walks over to the gap in your wall and flashes you a apologetic smile. "I'll pay for the window. Saranghae." He blows you a kiss before crawling out the window.
You climb out of your bed and walk over to the window. "Be careful!" You call as he approaches the bottom.
"Of course!" He yells back, just above the first floor... Then looses his grip and falls the rest of the way down.
"Are you okay?!" You gasp.
"Ne." He groans as he gets to his feet. "That hurt." He grumbles.
You roll your eyes. "I told you to be careful."
He shoots you a glare before jogging out of your backyard, headed towards his dorm to change out of his pajamas.

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