Astro: Eunwoo- Coffee

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(Y/f/n)- Your friend's name
(Y/f/b- Your favorite band
(F/s/b/t)- Favorite song by therm (relates to (Y/f/b)
"(Y/n)!" (Y/f/n) yells, unlocking the record store's doors.
"The sign said 'closed.' I though you left." You explain as you hurry out of the cold wind and into the warm store.
"I'm just locking up." She replies, as you walk over to the counter and turn on your favorite song to pass the time.
You turn back to her, mouthing the words passionately.
She rolls her eyes while shaking her head. "I've heard this song so many times."
"That's because your friend has a great taste in music." You retort, smiling as you browse through the records.
"Who are we talking about?!" She yells over the music.
You ignore her and continue to look at the records, occasionally pulling one out.
The song finishes and you go back over to the computer to change it to another song.
A loud pounding on the doors scares you. "(Y/f/n)!" You shout loudly as you crouch behind the counter, peeking out to stare at the strange boy standing outside.
"(Y/f/n)! Will you open the door?! I'm freezing!" He calls, knocking on the door.
"Can't you read?!" You shout, trying to get him to go away. "We're closed!"
"(Y/f/n)!" He shouts, completely ignoring you even if he did hear you.
"Coming!" (Y/f/n) yells, running from the back room to go open the door.
"Gomwao." He murmurs as he hurries inside, rubbing his hands together to get some warmth back into them.
"You can come out, (Y/n)." (Y/f/n) says dryly. "He's not going to bite you."
You slowly stand up and face them.
"(Y/n), this is Dongmin." (Y/f/n) says, gesturing to him.
You both bow and (Y/f/n) says. "I have to go... Sort some things. Just hang out, okay?" She asks while smirking at you.
"(Y/f/n)!" You hiss as she jogs to the back room. "You can't leave me with him! I just met him!"
All she does is smile before disappearing behind the door.
You sigh before turning back to Dongmin.
"You like (Y/f/b)?" He asks, motioning to the screen which now has (F/s/b/t) on.
"Yeah..." You awkwardly reply before focusing on a picture on the wall so you don't have to look at him.
"I also like this one." He says, a couple inches from you.
You jump back onto the counter while letting out a startled screech.
He stares at you for a couple seconds then says. "I was in your field of vision this entire time. You seriously just saw me?"
"Aniyo..." You mumble, still sitting on the counter.
He raises one of his eyebrows.
"Okay, fine! I didn't." You huff.
He smiles. "Well I've been watching you since I walked in the door." His eyes immediately widen. "Mianhae. That sounded a lot better in my head."
You hear (Y/f/n) laugh from the back room. "Smooth, Dongmin!"
His cheeks immediately turn red and he takes a couple steps back until your view of him is blocked by a shelf.
"Dongmin." You chuckle. "You really don't have to be embarrassed. I've done was worse things to embarrass myself."
"Jinjja? Like what?" He pokes his head out so you can see his eyes.
"Stop hiding behind the shelf and I'll tell you."
He takes a hesitant step out and sheepishly smiles at you. "Will you tell me over coffee?"
You laugh. "Sure." You grab your keys and phone and yell in (Y/f/n) direction. "I'm going to coffee with Dongmin!"
"Told you she'd say yes, Dongmin!" (Y/f/n) yells back.
You look at Dongmin and he blushes. "I'll explain over coffee."
I might make a part two. I haven't decided yet.

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