B.A.P: Himchan/Zelo- Who Do You Pick? (Part One)

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You're a intern at TS Entertainment and were assigned to assist B.A.P with anything they needed.
The first time you met them, you immediately fell in love with Himchan. You loved everything about him, and you tried your best to make him notice you. You always bring him his favorite foods and tried to make sure he was always comfortable. You usually wait outside the practice room when it's time for them to head back to the dorm, no matter how late it was, you always waited for him.
You were sitting outside the practice room, scrolling through Tumblr, then the doors open and the members start to walk out.
They all smile and greet you, except Himchan.
He glares at you as you hold out an opened water bottle.
"Here, I thought you'd be thirsty." You smile and he stalks over to where you are.
"I thought I told you to get lost!" He growls, slapping the water bottle out of your hands.
It completely drenches your shirt and clatters to the floor as you stare at him, frozen to the spot.
"Get. Lost." He snarls before turning and running to catch up with the other members.
You stand there until a voice jolts you out of shock.
"I don't see why you bring him stuff."
You look up to see Junhong staring down at you, looking concerned.
He shrugs off him jacket and wraps it around your shoulders. "Let's get you cleaned up." He says, gently leading you away.
You smile at him gratefully. "Kamsahamnida."
He returns smile and brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes.
Your cheeks start to heat up and duck your head in embarrassment.
He brings you over to his locker and hands you one of his shirts. "Here. This will work until you can get home."
"Gomawo." You take the shirt and go into the bathroom to change.
*After You Change*
You two walk side by side, headed to your house after he insisted on walking you home.
You walk in silence for a while then suddenly, he gently grabs your hand. You immediately look up at him in surprise.
He flashes a smile and you grasp his hand tighter. His smile widens into a grin and he starts to swing your intertwined hands.
*At Your House*
You're standing outside your door with him across from you.
"Kamsahamnida, for everything." You say, looking into his eyes.
"It's no problem..." He clears his throat and his eyes dart between yours and the ground. "Um, can I ask you something?" He mumbles.
"Sure." You reply, feeling slightly confused.
"Why are you so interested in Himchan?" He blurts out.
"I-" You're cut off, by a guy dragging you off of your steps and pulling you behind him, heading away from Junhong.

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