GOT7: Jr- Dream Come True

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This imagine is dedicated to @JrLJoe. Thank you for requesting! ^^
One of the items on your bucket list was to go stargazing in the back of a pickup truck filled with blankets and pillows.
The only person who knows about this secret fantasy, is your best friend who was there when you both created your two lists.
Even though you know it's cheesy, you wish your boyfriend, Jinyoung would fulfill this wish of yours.
You had been dating him for about two weeks now, after crushing on him for years. It was a dream come true when he asked you out.
"(Y/n)!" (Y/b/f) bangs on your bedroom door. "Are you dressed yet? We have an anime marathon to start!"
"Almost!" You reply, grabbing a blanket off of your bed and heading downstairs.
It's your annual sleepover with (Y/b/f),  you had it every month since you two first met.
"Close your eyes!" She squeals excitedly.
"Wae?" You ask, collapsing on the couch with the huge blanket on top of you.
"Just do it!" She lightly hits you, but the blanket wrapped around you prevents you from being hurt.
"Okay! Okay." You close your eyes and you feel someone immediately pick you up.
"(Y/b/f)!" You shout, struggling to get out of the stranger's arms.
"You'll thank me later!" She yells, just before your front door slams shut.
"I don't know who you are or what you want from me but-"
"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice giggles, "it's me!"
"Jinyoung?" You question, your effort to escape his arms stops when you hear his voice.
"Just trust me, okay?"
"Okay." You sigh, "but you didn't have to kidnap me, you know."
"Ne, I did." He gently sets you down in a seat, most likely in a car.
"What're you doing?" You ask as his bright eyes make an appearance.
He smiles. "Something you'll love."
He grabs a blindfold and quickly ties it around your head before you can protest.
"Jinyoung!" You shout as he buckles you in.
"You said you'd trust me." He reminds you.
"Kidnapper." You grumble back as you sit back and get comfy in the seat.
"I'm the nicest kidnapper you'll ever meet." He remarks as he starts the car and pulls away from the curb.
*A Half an Hour Later*
"We're here!" He exclaims, putting the car in park.
He gets out and walks around to the passengers side and opens the door.
"Will you take the blindfold off now?" You ask.
"Be patient." He replies,unbuckling your seat belt and picking you up.
He carries you the the back of the car and gently sets you down.
"There." His smiling face greets you once he takes the blindfold off.
"Where are we?" You breathe, looking around.
Surrounding you are mountains of pillows and blankets in the bed of the truck.
"Oh my god." You exhale in awe.
"I'm glad you like it." He says as he climbs into the bed of the truck and lays down next to you. "Even though (Y/b/f) said that this was on your bucket list, I wasn't sure it would live up to your expectations."
He pulls you close to him and you bury your face in his chest.
"Kamsahamnida." You mumbles. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me."
He chuckles and exhales in relief. "Good, because I'm not going to let anyone else one up me."
You lightly hit his chest as he laughs.
You feel him shift slightly and suddenly a slow songs comes out of the hidden speakers.
You turn your body so your head is still resting in Jinyoung's chest, but so you can also see the stars.
"(Y/n), look." He uses his left arm to point over to the sky his right. "I think this one's the brightest." He chuckles, holding a promise ring so it's pointed towards you.
"Jinyoung!" You gasp. "It's lovely!"
"Give me your hand." He commands.
You comply and he slides the ring onto your ring finger on your left hand.
"So nobody else can one up me." He grins.
"You're too sweet." You giggle.
He's expression changes from a joking one, to something more serious. He slowly leans in to kiss you, then a hard rock song blasts out of the speakers.
Jinyoung jumps away from you, making you burst out laughing.
"Stupid thing." He mutters as he tries to turn another slow song on.
He finally succeeds, and chuckles. "Where were we?"
"I think we were about to kiss." You state, shifting closer to him.
"Oh, yeah." He murmurs before he softly kisses your lips.

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