TWICE: Momo- Who Knew?

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This imagine is dedicated to @monstaxftw. Thank you for requesting!
Knock knock ja deureogamnida
neon kkamjjak nollalge
deureoga hwakhwak deureoga
hwakhwak mudanchimip
You pause the music and take a breather, your instructor wanted you to work on your flexibility and so he assigned Monsta X's Tresspass.
Of course you had trouble with the kicks in the song, he wanted you to kick your leg at least to your waist; but your leg could only reach your thigh.
"If you twist your waist a little to the left, you'll be able to kick higher." A girl's musical voice washes over you.
You look to your left and see your long-time crush, Momo. You first fell in love with her when you join JYP Entertainment as a trainee and she immediately caught your eye.
"I'm Momo." She smiles.
"(Y/n)." You reply softly. "Gomawo." You bow after getting over a moment of surprise.
She smiles and returns the bow before brushing her blond hair out of her eyes.
"Can I dance with you? I like this song." She asks, suddenly becoming shy and hiding behind her hair.
You chuckle at her cute expression. "Of course." You reply immediately without realizing that you might make a mistake while dancing.
The music blasts out of the speakers before you could protest and you both start dancing.
You manage not to make a mistake until partway through the song and accidentally run into her. You just manage to catch her before she hits the floor and she bursts out laughing. "Nice catch!" She compliments as you pull her to her feet.
"You can trust me, I would never drop you." You declare, and the light mood of the conversation abruptly turns serious.
"Gomawo." She smiles hesitantly.
"I like you." You blurt out, unable to stop those words from passing your lips.
Her lips slightly part in shock and she turns a light shade of pink. "I-I like you too." She mumbles softly, biting her lip while tilting her head towards the ground.
A gigantic grin forms on your face and you automatically step forward then grab her chin. You gently lift her head up so her warm brown eyes meet yours.
She blushes even brighter and tries to look back at the floor but you quickly lean in and gently capture her lips with yours.
She hesitantly kisses back before growing more confident and wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you closer to her.
You break the kiss and she sighs softly. "Who knew Monsta X's Tresspass could be so romantic?" She giggles before lightly pecking your lips.

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