DAY6: Sungjin- Letting Go

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A/n: This imagine's based off of the song Letting Go by DAY6.
Wow, it's been like forever since I wrote a song imagine.
This is a song imagine, italics are flashbacks and bold words are song lyrics. If some words are in italics and are also bolded, those are thoughts.
I got something to say
Let's meet up
Now we sit silent
Facing each other
I keep thinking in my head
Should I say this or not
Although I don't want to
*His Pov*
I nursed my cup of coffee, taking mindless sips of it even though it's cold. The only thing I am feeling is dread and sadness at the thought of the conversation I have to have with the girl I thought I was going to marry.
I'd been holding on to you for so long
But now I must let go
There's nothing I can do for you
It's the only way to make you happy
So I let go, let go, let go
"(Y/n)," I say her name softly to get her attention.
Her gaze locks with mine and she forces a smile, trying to hide the slight grimace behind a sip of her drink.
"I need to tell you something."
So you can smile someday
So you can be happy
Her lips form the words, "what is it?" Even as her eyes tell me that she already knows the next words I'm going to speak.
I remember our good times
The days of laughter and fun
Memories ever so precious
Fill up inside me
Although I don't want to
A couple near our table bursts out laughing, the woman nearly spitting her coffee out as she tries to contain her laughter.
There were times, early in our relationship, when I made her laugh like that. Now it's only awkward silence that I desperately want to fill, but unfortunately, it takes two to have a conversation.
I'd been holding on to you for so long
But now I must let go
There's nothing I can do for you
It's the only way to make you happy
So I let go, let go, let go
"I've tried to make our relationship work," I begin, her gaze making me uncomfortable yet I can't seem to look away. I'm afraid this is last time she'll look me directly in the eye.
Holding on to you
Will do you no good
I know, so I struggle to get you out
The times we had together, our dear memories
I let go, let go, let go
So you can smile someday
"I can tell you're only staying with me for my benefit. I know you don't want to hurt me, but I can tell you don't want to be with me. I can tell you want out of this relationship." My words are harsher than I intended and her bright eyes widen in surprise at my honest statement.
Ah let go, let go,
The bright future we sought together
I know I know we can no longer
Wish for a happy ending
Like the land hardens after the rain
Pain is only temporary, someday you will meet
someone who can make you happier
That's the kind of love you deserve
I got to say good bye right now
I can't tell what she's thinking, it's only my wishful thinking that she'll deny my words.
My voice has been strong and steady as I speak to (Y/n), but my armor starts to chip away as I form my next sentence.
I'd been holding on to you for so long
But now I must let go
There's nothing I can do for you
It's the only way to make you happy
So I let go, let go, let go
"I don't want to force you to stay. I don't want you to be unhappy, even if that means we have to break up. I lo-love you." Those words that some people are able to throw around so lightly, so easily, are somehow the hardest words I've ever spoken. "But I think you'd be happier without me."
Tears threaten to fall onto her cheeks, yet I know that she's not sad that I'm breaking up with her; she's sad because she's losing all our shared memories and she knows that she's hurting me.
She reaches across the table, grabbing my hand and brushes her lips across the back– a familiar gesture I always did with her.
I watch her stand up and walk out of the coffee shop, not looking back at me once until she's hailed a taxi and is waiting on the curb.
She glances over her shoulder, just as a taxi pulls in front of her. She smiles, a truly genuine smile which is followed by a single tear as she turns away.
I'm unable to respond, my body has shut down out of grief.
She gets into the taxi and I watch silently until the taxi's taillights disappear from view.
Only then, do I rest my head on my arms and let myself cry.
Holding on to you
Will do you no good
I know, so I struggle to get you out
The times we had together, our dear memories
I let go, let go, let go
So you can smile someday

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