Madtown: Jota/Beast: Doojoon- True Love Wins (Part One)

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This imagine's dedicated to PinkPrincessJin01. Thank you for requesting! ^^
"Jena? Could you sit down for a second?" Your mother gently grabs your hands in hers while pulling you down on the couch next to her. Her eyebrows are pinched together with worry and she starts tentatively, "your father's company is joining with J. Tune Camp."
You immediately grin widely. "That's great news! He's been wanting that for a long time."
Your father was the founder of Cube Entertainment and was on really good terms with the founder of J. Tune Camp. You knew that they would end up sharing one big company, it was just a matter of when.
She smiles slightly and pats your hand. "I know sweetheart, but..." She hesitates, tightening her grip on your hand without seeming to realize it.
You yank your hand away with a cry, cradling it to your chest as a dull throb pulses up your arm. "But?" your tone comes out a little harshly, yet you don't apologize.
She clears her throat and shifts on her cushion. "But, your father had to agree to an arranged marriage to strengthen the contract."
"What?!" The pain in your hand is forgotten as you jump to your feet.
She hastily stands, holding her hands out as she pleads with you to understand. "Jena, listen. You said it yourself, your father's been wanting this merge for a long time. He's a nice man and I know you'll be happy with him."
"Who?" You shout angrily. "Who am I forced to spend the rest of my life with against my will?!"
Your mother flinches, but continues calmly. "Jonghwa, or Jota of Madtown."
A sob bubbles up out of your throat and pools of tears well up in your eyes; spilling down your face. "I have a boyfriend! And I love him! Not this Jonghyun or whatever his name is!"
Before she could yell at you for not telling you about your boyfriend, you spin on your heel and sprint out of the front door; letting it slam open as you leap off of the fronts steps.
You keep running, almost blinded by your tears, but you don't stop. Even when your mother tries to run after you, shouting that it wasn't her decision and that she's so sorry.
Your feet carry you to a building that's almost like your second home, Beast's dorm.
"Where's Doojoon?" You demand; your voice scratchy from the sobbing.
Dongwoon glances up from his phone, his bored expression changing into instant concern. "In his room. Jena, what's wrong?"
You ignore his question and turn the corner, opening the door to Doojoon's room.
He's lounging on his bed, wearing grey sweats and without a shirt. "Jena?" He bolts upright, jumping off of the bed to hold you to his chest once he sees your tears.
You feel completely safe in his arms, trying to pull him closer to you as you cry freely.
He picks you up and collapses backwards onto his bed, securing his arms around your torso. "It's okay, honey. Tell me what's wrong," he murmurs softly while rubbing your back soothingly.
You shift your body until your face is burrowed in the crook of Doojoon's neck. "My father's-" you hiccup through your sobs. "-marrying me off, so he can join Cube Entertainment and J. Tune Camp together."
Doojoon freezes completely, he even stops breathing for a couple seconds.
Your heart's in your throat as you wait for him to say something.
"Marrying you off?" His breath hits your ear, his voice cracking in shock and unmistakable sadness.
"Doojoon... What're we going to do?"
He rolls over so he's on top of you, his face inches from yours. His lips brush your lips, a kiss full of reassurance. "I love you, and you love me. True love always wins."
*One Week Later*
"I'm not going to meet him." You're standing outside the doors that lead into Cube Entertainment's gardens.
"Give Jonghwa a chance, please." Your mother begs. "Just see him once, just once."
You stare at her for a couple seconds, then shove open the doors and stalk across the grass to a small bench nestled in between two trees. You bury your face in your hands as you try to prevent the oncoming tears.
"Rough day?" A deep voice asks as you see a man sit down next to you, out of the corner of your eye.
"More like a rough week," you reply with a sniffle. You sit up straight and study the handsome man.
"What're you doing here?" You ask while motioning to him. "Do you comfort crying girls on a daily basis?" You smile slightly while blinking the tears away.
"No," he chuckles. "Just the ones I'm going to marry."
You immediately jerk away from him in horror, falling off of the stone bench and onto the hard dirt.
"Jena, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare yo-" he stands up and tries to help you to your feet.
"Don't touch me!" You spring to your feet and frantically backpedal until you're about ten feet away from him.
"Okay, okay." He holds his hands out like he's trying not to frighten a startled animal. He huffs quietly in frustration and brushes his light brown hair off of his forehead. "Let's make a deal. I'll stay ten feet away from you, but you have to go on a walk with me."
You pause. "You better not try anything, or come near me," you warn while setting off in the direction of your favorite path at a brisk pace.
He quickly follows suit, smiling slightly. "I'll try to rein in my teleportation skills."
*Five Minutes Later*
As he casually chats with you, he's been slowly inching his way towards you until he's walking directly beside you.
"I don't think I formally introduced myself. I'm Lee Jonghwa." He holds his hand out for you to shake, a charming smile on his face.
You drop your gaze and push his hand away. "I'm sorry. You seem really sweet, but I can't be happy about marrying you. I'm in love with someone else."
Jonghwa's eyes widen in surprise, apparently your mother chose not to share that piece of information with him. He looks away from you and says calmly while trying to cover up his disappointment, "He's a lucky man then."

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